Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(152)

With those words, I stepped outside, slamming the door shut behind me.

I was halfway across the street, having no idea where I was going, since I didn’t feel like going anywhere, when Kellan opened his front door. “Kiera, wait!” He yelled at me to stop, but I didn’t. We were done.

I didn’t have to listen to him anymore…and I was pretty pissed off.

I was on the other side of the street when he finally caught up to me.

Breathing heavier, he jerked my arm to make me stop. A slight wind whipped around the light lounge pants I was wearing, but I barely felt the chill. I had way too much adrenaline in me.

His gorgeous face looking like I’d just told him that pigs had started flying, he stared at me open-mouthed. “Anna? Anna’s pregnant?” I jerked my arm away from him, raising my chin. “Yes.” My answer was crisp, as clipped as I could make the sound.

He flinched at my tone, then tenderly tried to put his hand on my arm.

I pulled away, not letting him touch me. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he whispered.

I sighed, feeling the tug of love in my soul as his sad eyes flicked over my face. I wanted to forgive him everything, but I couldn’t. I didn’t trust 429

him. “Anna made me promise not to say anything.” Hanging my head, I added, “She’s not sure if she’s going…to keep it.” Kellan’s body straightened in my vision. I peeked up at his face, the light wind ruffling his hair. His eyes were cautious. “She’s not…she’s not going to…”

He swallowed, not finishing his question. I shook my head, understanding it. “No, she’s going through with the pregnancy, she’s just not sure about…adoption.” I sighed again, hoping my sister didn’t go that route. Even being half-Griffin, I wanted to know my niece or nephew. It wasn’t my choice, though, and I’d support her, no matter what she decided.

Kellan let out an exhale. “Oh, good, I’d hate for…” He trailed off and bit his lip. I watched his contemplative eyes. Kellan could have been an aborted baby, his mom had had reason enough. I supposed he had a strong feeling on the matter, since he could have easily never been born. I wondered how he felt about adoption, since that might have been an easier childhood for him. Then I hardened my heart again. It didn’t matter what he thought…not anymore.

Just as Kellan rolled his eyes and muttered, “Damn Griffin…I’m gonna kill him…” I twisted to keep walking down the street to nowhere.

Kellan didn’t let me get five paces before grabbing my arm again.

“Wait…please.” I reluctantly looked back at him and he shrugged. “I’m sorry, Kiera…please don’t walk away.”

Pain and anger stinging my eyes, I removed his hand from mine. “You basically called me a whore and said you never wanted to see me again.

Why shouldn’t I walk away?”

Hanging his head, he shrugged. “I didn’t know.” He peeked up at me.

“I thought… Seeing Denny here…and then…those tests…” He swallowed and closed his eyes. “I just thought…I thought what happened to my dad happened to me. I thought you had another man’s baby in you. I was just…angry. I’ve never felt that ill…” He opened his eyes and tilted his head. “I’m so sorry that I didn’t believe you.” 430

I nodded, understanding how he’d come to the conclusion he had. His face relaxed at seeing me acknowledge his apology. He started to wrap his arms around me and I stiffened, pushing him back. He scrunched his brows together and I lifted my hand, showing him the ring encircling my finger.

“I kept my promise…I was faithful.” I jerked my thumb back at the house, where his phone was safely tucked away. “Were you?” His eyes looked back to the house and he bit his lip. Twisting back to me, his eyes latched onto the metal around my finger, then down to the matching ring on his hand. “Kiera…it’s not what you think.” I grabbed his cheek, forcing him to look at me. “I don’t know what to think, because you won’t talk to me. What does that text mean?” I whispered.

His cheek was cool in the night breeze, but seemed even cooler as he stared at me with fear in his eyes. “I can’t…I don’t think I can…” He stammered for more to say and I shook my head, angrily. “You have to tell me now, Kellan, because this is tearing us apart.” I pointed down the road, to the stop sign that indicated the end of his street. “Tell me now…or I keep walking, and we really do end this.” He shook his head, tears in his eyes. “Please, don’t leave me.” Even though his face made me want to cave, even though I wanted nothing more than to throw my arms around him, kiss him, beg him to take me upstairs and make love to me again, but slowly this time, I forced myself to hold firm on my ultimatum. It was now or never.

I raised my eyebrows, waiting. He swallowed, then scrubbed his eyes.

“Ugh, Goddamn it…” he muttered. Closing his eyes, he took a few deep breaths. When he opened them again, he seemed…resigned. “Okay, I’ll tell you.” He looked around the empty street. “But not here, alright…let’s go back inside…”


I exhaled a shaky breath, resigned as well. Whatever this was between us was finally going to be put out in the open…and I wasn’t entirely thrilled about it. Kellan took my hand and led me back to his house. He kept his head down the entire way and I watched a shiver go through him. I figured it wasn’t from the light breeze either.

S.C. Stephens's Books