Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(151)

I was speechless as I stared at him. I could clearly remember Anna, in her denial stage, shoving a paper bag full of positive pregnancy tests into my dresser drawer…Kellan’s dresser drawer. He must have wanted to put on some clean clothes after our romp. He must have opened the drawer and seen them…and assumed they were mine.

And of course he would assume that. Why wouldn’t he? They were in my room, in the drawer I’d set aside for him. God, did he really think I’d ever tell him something that serious like that? How cold did he think I was?

I shook my head and his eyes sharpened dangerously. “Don’t even try and deny it now. Not now, now that you know I know. Admit it, Kiera.

Admit the truth…for once in your life.” His face softened and I saw the sorrow in his eyes. He thought I was pregnant. He thought Denny got me pregnant while he was gone…

I shook my head again, stepping up to him. “Kellan, no, Denny and I didn’t—”


He cut me off, shoving me back from where I’d tried to touch him.

“Don’t, Kiera. Don’t give me another half-truth. You lied about Denny being here!” I shook my head and he added, “No, Kiera, a lie of omission is still a lie!” He leaned into me, “You should know that better than anyone,” he whispered.

I flushed and swallowed, wanting to assure him that I wasn’t the one who was pregnant, but not knowing how to at this point. He wouldn’t believe anything I said right now. Having no idea what to say, I found myself whispering, “I’ve only been with you…” He curled his lips into a sneer. “Until today, we hadn’t had sex since December,” his eyes rested on my stomach, “and I intimately know that you’re not showing yet, so you’re not four or five months along.” His hate-filled eyes flashed up to mine. “I’m not stupid, Kiera…I know the kid isn’t mine.”

I swallowed and tried to tell him that I wasn’t pregnant, but he didn’t let me speak. Bringing his face right into mine, he seethed, “If you’re still going to try denying that you slept with Denny, then go ahead, Kiera…tell me the only thing you can. Tell me you were raped.” His eyes flashed, the anger in them powerful enough to make my knees start shaking. “I dare you,” he added.

My jaw dropped at where he’d taken the conversation. Anger surged through me and my hand came out to smack him. I was inches from his face when I stopped my hand. I couldn’t blame him for saying that to me, thinking what he thought. It was his history coming around to bite me in the ass. His mom had done it to his dad, and his dad had hated Kellan for it, in utero.

Kellan didn’t even flinch from my near-strike. He only continued staring me down. I dropped my hand and Kellan smirked at me. Shaking his head, he quietly said, “You can leave now.” My eyes tearing up, I whispered, “You’re so wrong…” Turning away from me, he started walking into the living room. “Am I?” he tossed over his shoulder.


Balling my hands into fists, I started to follow him. “Yes, you are completely off on this one. I didn’t sleep with Denny, I didn’t sleep with anyone. I’m not the one who—”

His jacket, hanging on a hook near me, chirped, signaling a new text message. Remembering why I’d really come here— to get the truth from him, the hypocrite— I made a beeline for his coat. His eyes widened as he realized what I was doing.

“Kiera, no!”

He moved towards me fast, but I was much faster. I had the phone retrieved and the message displayed before he got anywhere near me.

Shaking my head, I read the text aloud to him. “Call me. I need to see you.” My voice shook in my own sudden anger.

Kellan’s face was pale as he looked at the phone and my eyes, seeming like he was afraid about what I might do. His hand shaking, he extended it to me. “Please, give it back, Kiera.”

Gripping it tighter, my body shaking as his secret started bubbling to the surface, I shook my head. “No, no I think I’ll text the hussy back.” I started to type in a message, but Kellan…flipped out.

Running to my side, he snatched the phone away and shoved my shoulder. He’d pushed me into the jacket hooks and a flash of pain went through me as I scraped against one. I winced and rubbed my arm. Kellan’s eyes softened apologetically, but he clenched the phone to himself in relief.

Shaking my head, tears in my eyes, I snapped, “Who’s the liar now, Kellan!”

He shook his head, his face still pale. “This is different. This isn’t about you and me.”

I put my hands on my hips, confused. “Then tell me the truth. What are you hiding?”


His eyes flashed to my body, hardening up again. “It doesn’t concern you, and I don’t have to tell you anything anymore.” Stubborn, angry tears leaking down my cheeks, I threw my hands in the air. “Fine, keep your f*cking secrets, Kellan.” He blinked at my seldom used swear, then gritted his jaw.

Knowing nothing good would happen if I stayed, I twisted back to the front door. He did nothing to stop me from opening it. The cool night air refreshing my face, I paused as I stared out into the empty night. Feeling just as empty inside, I tossed over my shoulder, “And just so you know, I’m not pregnant, *…Anna is. Griffin knocked her up in Boise and she’s freaking out about it.”

S.C. Stephens's Books