Effortless (Thoughtless, #2)(150)

Denny tentatively stood, eyeing me warily as I threw a sweatshirt over the tank top of my pajamas. “Um, a ride where, Kiera?” His accent slid over my name as his question came out slowly and cautiously.

Sliding my feet into some slip-on shoes, I twirled my hair up into a loose ponytail. “A ride to Kellan’s.”

Denny sighed, apparently fearing that was where I’d wanted to go.

“Kiera, maybe you should just let this one go…?” Standing straight, I glared at him. “I can’t… let him go, Denny. I love him, and if he’s going to leave me, then I’m going to know why. I’m going to find out the truth.” Grabbing Denny’s arm, I started pulling him out the door. “Even if I have to beat it out of him…” I muttered.


Denny sighed again.

He was silent on the drive over to Kellan’s, probably wondering how to talk me out of this conversation I was about to have. I hoped I’d have the strength to have it, but really, I didn’t have anything to lose. Kellan and I were over, what could he possibly say to me now that would hurt worse than that?

More, I just hoped he was home. He could have gone straight back to the airport, trying to catch an immediate flight back to…wherever his band was. I just prayed that he needed a minute to collect himself. Hopefully the end of our relationship was enough to make him need a moment alone.

When his car was in the drive when we pulled up, I exhaled in relief.

He was here. At least he was still here. Then my nerves crept up. He was here…and we’d have to have the conversation we’d held off on having for so long. It tightened my stomach and I immediately wanted to go home. Instead, I opened my door.

Denny cracked his too and I paused, shaking my head. “No, it will only make it worse if you come in.” Sighing, I said, “Thank you for doing this…but you can go home now.”

His dark brows bunched as he looked over my face. “Kiera, I don’t think…”

I placed my hand on his arm. “I’ll be fine, Denny, and you’ve done enough. More than enough.” Smiling, I tilted my head at him. “Go home, get some sleep while you can…” Smiling wider, I added, “Or go call Abby and tell her how grateful you are to have her. I know she’d love to hear it.” I laughed, feeling no humor in me.

Denny smiled and looked down. “Yeah, maybe I’ll do that.” Peeking back up at me, his eyes narrowed. “You call me, though…when this is over.” He raised his eyebrow and waited until I responded.

I sighed, a sadness washing over me. “Yeah…I will.” Leaning over, I kissed his cheek. “Thank you, friend.”


He smiled as I pushed open the door of his sporty rental.


I grinned at the nickname he’d never, ever used on me, then stood and waited in front of the car. Waving as he backed away, I quietly thanked him again. I couldn’t see his response through the glass, but I was sure he was shaking his head at me, wishing me well, but thinking I was crazy for coming here.

Twisting back to Kellan’s house, I started to agree with him. Maybe I was crazy for coming here, especially since Kellan had been quite clear about the fact that things between us were no more, but I had to know.

He knew what I’d been hiding…I had to know what he was hiding.

Exhaling shakily, I stepped up to his front door. Not wanting to use my key, since technically I shouldn’t anymore, I quietly knocked on it. I didn’t expect him to hear me, so I was preparing to knock even harder when the door cracked open.

Kellan’s cool eyes stared at me through the crack, then he rolled them and shut the door in my face. Not expecting that, I blinked and stared at the heavy wood in my vision. Did he seriously just slam the door on me?

Irritation beating back my nerves, I opened the door. Surprisingly, it was unlocked. Kellan’s back was the first thing I noticed—his back walking away from me again. After stepping in, I slammed the door behind me. He flinched and twisted to look at me.

Sighing, he ran a hand through his shaggy hair. “I’m not doing this, Kiera. I’m not having this conversation again…we’re over.” He twisted around again and I grabbed his arm. “No, we’re not, Kellan! Not until you tell me the truth.”

He twisted to face me, his eyes dark with fury. “You first!” I sighed, releasing his arm. Throwing my hands in the air, I sputtered,

“I did! I told you the truth about Denny. Nothing happened! Goddamn it, why don’t you believe that anymore? Or did you ever really believe me? Was that a lie just to have sex with me one last time?” 425

His face paled as his jaw dropped. “You think I knew that I was going to break up with you before I slept with you? You think I’d even touch you, if I knew what I know now!” His eyes flashed down my body again and I flushed, furious.

“And what the hell do you think you know!”

His face disgusted, he backed away from me. “You still can’t be honest, can you?” Gritting his jaw, he lifted his chin defiantly. “I saw, Kiera.

I saw the tests…the positive tests.” His face darkening, he took a step towards me. “You shoved them in my drawer, with my clothes, just so I’d find them! Did you really think I’d stick around once I did?” My jaw dropping, I took a step back. “What are you talking about?” My nerves tingled as I started piecing together what he was so angry about. He didn’t let me puzzle it out for long, though. His hands flinging to my body, he yelled, “I know you’re f*cking pregnant, Kiera, so stop acting like you’re f*cking innocent!”

S.C. Stephens's Books