Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(29)

We ordered ourselves a vodka each from the bar and stood and made up stories about some of the groupies hanging around the room, all obviously waiting for Kombat Rock to come off stage. Len came back about forty minutes later to check on us, apparently there were more interview requests than they were expecting so things were taking longer, as Lennon turned to leave I watched when one of the Suits from the record label stopped him and started saying something in his ear. They both looked over at me, not expecting me to be looking at them, my cheeks burned, Len looked down at the ground, their conversation was obviously about me, but why I had no idea.

Half hour later and the boys still weren’t back and I was getting nervous. Kombat Rock would finish their set soon and I didn’t want to be here without Sean when Rocco got off stage. I didn’t like him, he made me feel uncomfortable but I didn’t want to make things difficult for Carnage with the lead singer of Kombat Rock, there was still two weeks left of the European tour, then a short break before the UK leg of the tour started, which meant another four weeks of gigs they would be playing together. If I caused problems, Rocco could get them kicked off the tour and with the album being launched before the UK gigs started, which is the last thing the boys needed so I would just stay out of Rocco’s way as much as I could. Their set was being played through the speakers so I already knew they were just starting their encore. I looked toward the door, silently begging Sean, Marley or Lennon to come walking through them, but no, it was Rocco amidst a lot of whopping and cheering and surrounded by a squealing group of nearly naked women and young girls, one of which had her legs wrapped around his waist as he carried her into the hospitality room. Her top was pulled down and he was sucking on her nipple, his eyes locked with mine as he stepped through the door, I quickly looked away and turned and ordered Jimmie and I another drink from the bar, that’s when I heard her voice.

“Well, well, if it ain’t Maca’s spoilt little princess. Isn’t it past your bedtime, shouldn’t you be at home and tucked up in bed with your teddy?”

Haley, what the f*ck is she doing here? I turn around and realise that it was her nipple Rocco was latched onto as he came through the door; I look her up and down as she stands next to Rocco, and he has his arm slung around her shoulder.

“Oh its way past my bedtime but don’t worry that little brain of yours, Maca will be back soon, then we will be off to get tucked up in bed together and the only teddy that’ll be involved is the one Sean will be ripping off me.” I smile sweetly at her. “With his teeth.”

She glares at me for a few seconds, and then turns to Rocco. “You know they’re not eighteen yet? They shouldn’t be drinking.”

“Yeah, I heard they were jail bait, this is a private party though, don’t think the law counts here, otherwise most of us would be arrested for one reason or another, now, get me a beer, then get back here and blow me, I need to come in that dirty, dirty mouth of yours.”

Jim nudges me and says loud enough for Rocco to hear. “Some things never change, Haley the whore, still on her knees and blowing her way backstage.” She holds her glass up to mine, we clink them together and say “Cheers” in unison and both start to laugh.

“Fuck off you pair of sluts, you’re just jealous Jimmie, you’re boyfriends just a hanger on, not even a rock star.” She turns her beady eyes to me. “And yours, yours will never be in the same league as my Rocco.”

“Oh sorry, Whorely, Rocco’s your boyfriend now is he?” I turn to look at Rocco. “Bet you can’t wait to take her home to meet ya Mumma, you do know that she has f*cked and blown her way through most of the male population of England? She makes Anna look like a nun and has twice as many diseases.”

Lesley Jones's Books