Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(26)

“Ha ha George and Jimmie. Well lookie here boys, isn’t this just the prettiest George and Jimmie you have ever seen in your lives?”

Another bloke with long jet black hair and covered in tattoos comes and stands next to Rocco and leers at us as he chews hard on some gum, he throws his arms around the lead singers shoulder. “Well ain’t they a pair of pretty young things.”

I am actually shitting myself, I suddenly feel all of my sixteen years and eight months and not a day older, all of my usual bullshit and bravado has left me, these are real live rock stars, who are used to getting whatever they want from women. I feel totally out of my depth and I can’t help but notice that goose bumps are popping up all over my body and the hairs on the back of my neck are standing on end and it’s through fear, not because I feel any kind of desire towards this pair of freaks.

Rocco reaches out and strokes his index finger up and down, over my cheek bone. “Well I hope those boys from Carnage are happy to share their toys, coz I sure would like to have a little play with you.”

I’m suddenly pissed off, I swipe his hand away. “I’m not any body’s toy; I’m Sean McCarthy’s girlfriend.”

The room has fallen almost silent as everyone watches the interaction; who the f*ck does he think he is, he’s not even good looking and the other one, Wayne Allen or whatever his name is, I think he’s the drummer, he’s not only as ugly as f*ck but he stinks of body odour too. I’m debating whether to tell him this when I hear Lennon call out. “Rocco, Wayne, leave my little sister alone and the other one is my girl so don’t even think about it.”

Before I have a chance to react, he grabs me by the back of my head and kisses me on the mouth, I push him away as hard as I can, and as I do, I hear Sean shout. “G, what the f*ck are you doing?”

I look horrified from Rocco to Sean. “You f*cking animal, keep your hands off me!”

I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand; Rocco narrows his eyes on me, Sean is now at his side and is looking at me like I have lost my mind. “Not her fault Maca, she just saw the hot rock star and couldn’t resist, best get a lead and keep her under control.”

What? My mouth fell open but no words came out, he says no more, just turns and walks away. What a complete and utter arsehole. I look back at Sean and I suddenly want to cry but not here, I won’t do it here, in front of all these people and embarrass not only myself but Sean and the band as well.

Sean looks me over. “What happened?”

I take a deep breath. “He f*ckin’ kissed me, that’s what happened, he’s a creep, and I hate him.”

Surely Sean can see how upset I am. “Fuckin’ hell G, can I not leave you alone for five minutes?”

“What? I didn’t do anything, he came over to me, I told him I was with you but he kissed me anyway.”

“She didn’t do anything Maca, not a thing.” Jimmie backs me up.

He lets out a breath. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have left you here, he’s a f*ckin’ animal. Are you okay?”

No I’m not, I’m scared, hurt and humiliated but I’m not going to admit to all of that now, not in front of all these people so again I let it go and just nod my head.

“Wipe your mouth, your lipsticks smudged,” he points to my lips as he speaks, I want to go to the ladies and fix myself up but I’m too scared to leave his side now. I suddenly wish I was twenty five and knew how to handle wankers like Rocco Taylor, I’d f*cking show him then!

Marley comes flying through the doors of the hospitality room. “Woohoo Maca, that is some good shit man, where’d you get that stuff?”

Lesley Jones's Books