Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(21)

“We’ve always treated you like a grown up George, being the youngest, we just expected more from you and perhaps that wasn’t the right thing to do. You and Sean, you seem to be so serious about each other, you know he’s already spoken to your Dad about marriage?”

I didn’t but I wasn’t going to let her know that. “He loves me, we’ve spoken about marriage, and as soon as he has a deposit saved we want to buy a house.”

“What about a job, for you I mean, would you not like a career?”

“How can I get a job if Sean is going to be travelling with the band, and he’ll be Mum, they are going to make it big, I just know, this tour and the new album are just the start and I want to be there to support him. I want to be able to travel around the world with him, I don’t want to be stuck here in some poxy office, waiting for him to call or come home. These past ten days have been bad enough; imagine how long he’ll be away when he’s touring the states?”

I take a gulp of my wine.

“Okay, well I understand that you’re in love right now but what if things change, people do you know, you’ll be a different person by the time your twenty, you will want different things.”

“I will still want Sean, I will always want Sean.”

“Are you having sex with him George, are you sleeping together.”

My stomach lurched and I thought for a second I was going to bring up my lunch, my cheeks were burning; my Mum reached across the table and took my hand.

“I’m your Mum George but I’m also your friend, talk to me.”

I nodded my head. “Yes we’re having sex.”

“Are you being careful?”

I nod again. “I’m on the pill.”

“How’d you get the pill? When? Why didn’t you ask me to come with you?”

“About a year.” I lied; it had been closer to two.

“Georgia, that’s illegal, you should have waited.”

“I told the doctor that my periods were really heavy and that I was getting terrible cramps and couldn’t leave the house so he put me on the pill. All the girls do it.”

“Well it’s wrong, is this Doctor Weeks, did he put you on it? I will have something to say when I next see him.”

“No Mum, I went to the family planning clinic, they gave me the pill and loads of condoms, they’d rather I was on the pill than pregnant and so would I, we do want babies but not yet, we want to see what happens with the band first, we don’t want to be taking a baby on tour with us so we want to wait a bit but I want to be a young Mum like you were, we both want that.”

“Got it all worked out haven’t you, you’re too old for your own good George, nobody knows at sixteen how their life is likely to turn out, we all think we know what we want but the truth is, really we have no idea… But, if you are sure Sean is the one and you are already sleeping together then I will support you with whatever choices you make. You will need me in your corner when it comes to convincing your Dad into letting you do anything until you’re at least eighteen, he wants you to stay on at school and do your A levels.”

I shake my head no. “If Sean’s touring next year, then I’m going with him, he earns enough money to support me. Dad can cut me off, he can do what he likes but I’m leaving school and going with Sean.”

My Mum takes a deep breath in. “Well, if Sean’s the one, we better go and find you something that will knock his socks off, make him realise exactly what he’s got waiting for him at home and stop his eyes from wandering over all those groupies that follow the bands around.”

Lesley Jones's Books