Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(20)

“We’re stayin’ at the Ritz? Fuckin’ hell, George, we’re stayin’ at the Ritz.” Jimmie can barely contain her excitement as we step out of the limo.

“Our bags,” I say to Sean as he grabs my hand and starts to lead me inside.

“Don’t worry about them babe, Milo or the bell boys will bring them up.” Well Sean seems to have adapted to this lifestyle pretty quickly I think to myself.

I travel up to our room in a complete daze; I have stayed in some nice hotels with my parents but at the time, nothing as swanky as The Ritz. Our rooms are decorated nicely but not over the top; as soon as the door closes behind us, Sean pulls me in for the longest of kisses, then he just holds me for a few moments, kissing my hair, my jaw and my neck, all the while breathing me in.

“I’ve missed you so much G, I’m so glad you’re here.”

We spend the next couple of hours reacquainting ourselves with each other, in the five and a half years we’ve known each other this is the longest we’ve ever been apart. Despite the fact that we’ve been having sex for the past couple of years, I wasn’t really sexually aware at this stage of my life. I was sixteen and probably having more sex than your average twenty five year old but that’s only because I was with Sean, if he hadn’t have come along, I’d probably still be a virgin. The boys at school didn’t interest me. Actually most of them gave me a wide birth because they knew who my boyfriend was and of course because I had three big brothers.

I knew I was pretty, I knew I had a fairly decent figure but I didn’t dress in a sexy way, I wasn’t aware back then that I could turn heads just by walking into a room. I didn’t lust after men or boys, it was just Sean, only Sean, sex for me at this time was only about Sean, one didn’t exist without the other. In saying all of that, I’d bought new clothes and lingerie for this weekend, things that were a little bit different for me. A skirt for one and a leather skirt at that, and a pair of red heels. My Dad told me I looked like a Drury Lane whore in the outfit; my Mum slapped him and told me I looked very sophisticated. I chose to believe my Mum; she had great taste in clothes and had helped me pick the outfit I was going to wear for the show. We had a lovely girlie day shopping and I had confessed to her that Sean and I were having sex; it was a bit of a wicked thing to do to her on reflection. We were sitting in a restaurant in Romford town centre. My Mum wouldn’t go to Macas or a café; she had this favourite little Italian place that we always went to when we shopped there.

“So you and Sean, it’s obviously still very serious between the two of you, this time apart hasn’t changed anything?”

I shook my head and looked down at my food, my Mum had poured me half a glass of wine and I took a big gulp, it was past one in the afternoon and I hadn’t eaten breakfast, the wine instantly went to my head. I actually had no appetite since Sean had left ten days ago and my Dad had commented the night before that I was looking skinny. I wasn’t skinny, not by a long shot but I knew that I’d lost some weight, hence the rich creamy seafood pasta dish I was now tucking into under my worried Mums orders.

“Why would time apart change anything Mum? I love him.”

“I know you do babe but you are still so very young.”

“You’ve been with Dad since you were thirteen,” I replied defiantly.

“That was twenty five years ago Georgia, things were different, lots of girls got married straight from school, we didn’t have the choices you girls have these days, the whole world is so much more accessible to you, so many more career opportunities available to women nowadays.” She took a long sip of her wine and refilled both of our glasses as I watched her, her blues eyes and mine are exactly the same shade nowadays, but where her lashes and skin are fair, mine are dark, she’s beautiful my Mum but right at that second she looked worried.

Lesley Jones's Books