Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(15)

“Let’s eat; we need to get ready for the gig soon.”

The boys were playing at the local pub tonight; it was their regular gig if they didn’t get another booking. This was the weekend before Valentine’s Day, and had been booked in as a ticket only night and had been sold out for a couple of weeks. We eat a bowl of sugar puffs each; take a shower, which leads to our first ever shower sex experience before getting dressed and jumping into Sean’s new Ford Escort XR3I that my Dad had got hold of for a really good price when he passed his test a couple of months back. I love it and feel like a princess when we drive about in it. The pub is only a ten minute drive but we arrive late and Lennon’s not happy, Marley even less so but then that’s nothing new, everything seems to piss Marley off these days, I never realised how much he liked Jimmie and he’s had a hard time dealing with her and Lennon being together, we used to be so close but he’s so moody and withdrawn lately that we hardly ever speak.

“You’re late Maca, there are people here already, we sound checked without you. We need to be tight tonight. We’ve had a lot of interest from the demo tape and about four labels have asked where we’re playing over the next few weeks so any one of them could have a rep in the crowd.”

I grin up at Sean with excitement; he squeezes my hand in response.

“You’ll be fine babe; you know the set inside out right?” I nod with encouragement as I speak but he looks worried.

“We changed it a bit for tonight, a few ballads because of it being Valentines and a few of our new songs, I’ll be alright.” He says with a shrug. He’s so confident once he’s on stage, people would never believe how much he doubts himself before he gets up there.

“He f*cking better be,” Marley mumbles from beside me. “And you behave your f*ckin’ self, Haley’s out there.”

Great, just what I need, why don’t that bitch just give up, I wonder? I roll my eyes at Marley and hold three fingers up. “Scouts honour, I’ll behave, unless she puts her hands on him.”




Sean, Marley and Lennon all say at the same time. “Okay, I’m joking.”

I hold my hands up. “I’ll wait till the next gig before I knock the bitch out.”

The boys are just not getting my humour tonight, Jimmie is, she just laughs and shakes her head at me, she’s the only one that actually gets that I’m deadly serious. I’ve had nearly two years of that slut hanging around my boyfriend, she must be eighteen by now, you’d think she would have grown up a bit and gone and got her own boyfriend. The boys all help themselves to a beer from the tray that Billy has just come in with. My taste has matured of late, I now prefer a Southern Comfort and lemonade to a cider or a beer and Billy doesn’t disappoint. Despite only being fifteen, I have no trouble getting into pubs or being served at the bar, clubs are a bit harder but Sean usually wangles it for me. Jimmie never has a problem, she looks at least twenty and I’m so jealous. The boys head out to the stage, except Sean, the rest of the band know we have a little routine, they just don’t know what it is, and in all honesty I don’t think my brothers want to.

As the little back room empties, Sean takes a swig of his beer, I chew on the inside of my lip as I watch him. “Show us ya tits G,” he gestures toward my chest as he speaks.

“You’ve been looking at them for the best part of the day, are you not bored with them?” I say as I pull my top up.

“Never, ever.” He bites each of my nipples, then pulls my bra and my T-shirt back down and it’s that gesture that makes my insides turn to mush, I love this boy so much, so, so much.

Lesley Jones's Books