Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(19)

“George!” I turn and look at Jimmie. “Bloody hell, you deaf or what?”

“Sorry, I feel a bit dizzy; it’s warm in here. What’s wrong?”

“You don’t think that could be them do ya?”

She gestures with her chin towards where the commotion was going on, as we both stare, the biggest, blackest man I’ve ever seen appears from amongst the melee with Sean tucked under his arm, Lennon appears behind them; as soon as he sees me Sean breaks free from the black bloke and jogs toward me with the biggest grin on his face. I can’t move, my legs are stuck but I don’t need to, Sean grabs me around the waist and swings me around in a circle, he sets me down on my feet, then snogs the face off me.

“Fucking hell G, I’ve missed you, show us ya tits.”

And he’s there, my Sean, his arms, his smell, his taste and everything is right with world, I’m back right where I was born to be, at his side, I don’t know why I panicked and doubted him, the way he looks at me, the things he says, I know without a shadow of a doubt how much he loves me, his eyes tell me as they look into mine and I instantly dissolve into him.

We end up with Milo the black body guard and four armed Policeman escorting us out to the car waiting outside, well I say car, it’s a stretch limo… a stretch f*cking limo. Jimmie and I scream like the pair of sixteen year olds we are as Len and Sean high five each other, we jump inside, Milo and the driver put our cases in the boot as they shout at a group of about ten girls and a couple of boys that are banging on the window of the car.

“They are proper mental here G, we were on some TV show last weekend and ever since then we can’t go anywhere without being recognised, it’s been mad.”

He pulls me onto his lap as he talks. “Dya like the car? We borrowed it from Kombat Rock.”

Kombat Rock are the American band Carnage are supporting, they’re world famous and have already had three number one albums and about twenty singles in the charts, they’ve been around for about eight years, everyone knows them, they have a reputation for drink, drugs, women and smashing up hotel rooms and they are the main reason for my little freak out in the airport building. I’m much calmer now, with my arms wrapped around Sean’s neck, his arms around my waist.

“Wait till you see the hotel,” Lennon says. “We’ve been on a tour bus most of the time but the label booked us into a hotel as we are playing here for two nights.”

“I booked us into our own room,” Sean whispers into my ear. “I can’t wait to get you naked.”

“Maca, I really don’t want to be hearing that, it’s bad enough knowing you’re shagging my sister, without hearing you talk about it.”

“Well you’re shagging her mate,” Sean tells Lennon.

“Excuse me boys but can we please just stop talking about who’s shagging who. Have we got our own room babe?” Jimmie asks Len.

“Yes babe, there’s no way we were gonna be sharing with Marley, not the way he’s been behaving.”

I look up at Sean, then across to Len. “Why, how’s he been behaving?”

“Like a whore,” the boys both say at once and laugh.

“What about drugs, has he been stoned all the time?”

The boys look across at each other guiltily, great; they’ve probably all been stoned all of the time.

Sean shrugs and pulls me in for another kiss. “Let’s not talk about Marley, you can talk to him later, we’re all going for an early dinner before the show.”

We pull up at the hotel and Jim and I just stare with our mouths open.

Lesley Jones's Books