Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(24)

“So Sean, who’s your little friend? She’s very pretty.”

He seemed to stiffen up as she approached; he took a long swig from his bottle before he looked the woman up and down. “This is my girlfriend Gia; she’s flown in from England for the weekend, just to see me.” He turns and looks at me with such a dreamy smile on his face that I almost melt. “Didn’t ya babe.”

He kisses me full on the mouth and I squirm with embarrassment; as he pulls away, the peroxide blonde is still standing watching us, I look straight at her. “Yes babe, I did.”

She runs her tongue over her top lip as she looks me up and down. “How sweet. Don’t forget to get a note from your parents when you go back to school next week, I wouldn’t want you getting detention.”

I smiled nicely at her. “I won’t, make sure you notify the pensioners home that you’ll be out late, wouldn’t want them sending out a search party for a missing resident.”

She didn’t reply, she just looked at me with her ice blue eyes, like she was trying to think of a reply, Marley appeared at my side. “Fuck off Anna and leave my sister alone, go and find someone’s cock to suck. Rocco will be here soon with all the pretty young groupies and you won’t get a look in then.”

She gave a sneer and a little laugh in Marley’s direction. “Fuck you Layton.”

“No thanks love.” Marley replied. “Been there, done that and got the f*ckin’ crabs to prove it you dirty whore, f*ck off out of my sight before I get security to throw you out.”

She glared at all of us, then just turned and walked away, I swear, her legs were nearly as tall as me, she must have been over six feet, she reminded me of Bridget whatsherface, Rocky’s wife or girlfriend or whatever.

“Who the f*ck was that?” I ask, looking between both the boys.

“The oldest groupie in town,” Marley replied.

“She used to be Rocco’s girlfriend,” Sean said. “But he’s traded her in for something younger but she still follows the band around, she seems to think sucking and f*cking every other bloke surrounding Rocco will make him jealous and he’ll go back to her but he’s got pretty young things throwing themselves at him, he’s not interested in her.”

I looked at Marley. “But you f*cked her?”

He shrugs his shoulders at me and wipes his hand across his nose. “I was coked out my head, horny as f*ck and she kept begging me for it. I caught f*cking crabs off her and had to shave my pubes and avoid sex for a couple of weeks, dirty slut, I haven’t been near her since, I don’t know how she keeps getting a backstage pass, no one likes her.”

I shake my head at Marley’s little revelation, I don’t care about the shagging, it’s the coke that worries me, no wonder he looks so skinny, I’ve heard it makes you lose weight, that’s why Ashley from school likes it. “Is that why you look so rough Marls? You been doing coke?”

“Well thanks for the compliment George don’t mince your words.” I shrug my shoulders.

“You look tired and skinny that’s all, I’m worried, and Mum will flip when she sees ya.”

He looks from me, then across to Sean and shrugs. “This tour has been hard work for all of us, even wonder boy here has had to have a little help to get him through, and I ain’t the only one.”

My gaze swings up to Sean’s, who is looking at Marley like he’s about to kill him. “You’ve been doing coke?” I ask Sean. Now it’s his turn to shrug; he looks around the room before he answers.

Lesley Jones's Books