Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(27)

Sean instantly turns back to me, great, tonight just gets better and better, I’ve never felt that there was an age difference between Sean and myself, but right now I feel like I’m just an immature little school girl and he’s a famous rock star, which really isn’t that far from the truth and it hurts, so f*cking much.


Lennon finds Jimmie and me a great place to stand in the wings. The venue holds around fifteen thousand people and is already three quarters full. I watch as the boys are given their guitars by the roadies and are wired up with what I can only assume are mics and ear pieces, the music that’s been playing goes quiet and the lights go down.

Sean appears in front of me and says, “I love ya Georgia Rae, show us your tits.” I don’t hesitate and pull my top up and flash him my new black lacy bra.

“Fuckin’ hell babe, I’ve gotta go on stage with a hard on now.” He kisses me again and is then pulled away by a stage manager and put into position.

The opening song ‘Show Me’ is from the new album and so are the next two, after this Sean addresses the audience and says how nice it is to be in Spain, a pair of knickers fly through the air and land on the stage.

Sean runs over to Tom and grabs a spare drumstick and goes back and picks the red lace knickers up with it. He holds them up, hanging them from the drumstick. “Hey Marley, don’t you have a pair like this, are these yours?” Tom does a b’dom cha sound on his drums to accompany Sean’s joke and the crowd laugh and whistle.

I hear a female voice call out in broken English “Marry me Maca” and that evokes more whistles.

“Sorry ladies but I’m taken.” He turns his head toward me and gives me a truly breath taking smile. I feel so very proud in that moment, he’s made it, he’s got this crowd eating out of his hand, it’s what he was born to do and he looks every inch the star out there and he’s mine, he’s been mine since I was eleven years old and I love him beyond words.

The band belt out all of the songs from the up and coming album and also throw in a few covers, they thank the crowd and run off the stage as the audience goes wild and call out for more. Sean comes straight to me, wearing the biggest smile. “Were we okay?”

“You were brilliant, just brilliant babe, all these years of work are finally paying off, I’m so proud of you.” He pulls the towel from off his shoulder that someone has put there and wipes the sweat from his face.

“Don’t move from this spot, we have to do a quick encore.” He gives me a kiss on the lips and is lead back out, I expect the rest of the boys to follow him, but they don’t, the lights come back on and Sean is out on stage alone, sitting on a stool with his electric acoustic and my stomach goes over, if he sings Georgia on my mind, I will cry and completely embarrass myself in front of all these rock star types. There is a massive cheer from the crowd as the lights come on, he plucks out a few notes and the whole place falls silent.

“I want your babies Maca, take me home and make me pregnant,” a lone female voice shouts from the crowd. Sean laughs and shakes his head, then looks up and smiles at the crowd.

“Darlin’, do me a favour here, all you ladies in the crowd tonight have gotta appreciate the fact that I’m a one woman type of bloke and I love my girl; I’ve loved my girl since the very first day I set eyes on her and back then she was just a girl… but I have had the pleasure these past few years of watching her grow into an absolutely beautiful young woman and as much as I love touring and playing in front of you lot every night, I’m counting down the days till I’m back in England and in her arms.”

Lesley Jones's Books