Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(32)

I rake my teeth over my bottom lip as I wait for his answer. “Yeah, that’s fine, I told you to spend whatever you wanted.”

“Yeah, I know but I didn’t wanna go too mad. What’s wrong?”

“What? Nothing.”

“Don’t lie, what’s up?”

He looks up at me through his thick brown lashes and my stomach does a little somersault and my heart picks up speed, he looks sad and I don’t think I’m going to like whatever it is he’s got to say.

“Come and sit down G.” I drop the bags and sit next to him on the bed.

“Sean, you’re scaring me, what’s wrong?” He takes my left hand in both of his.

“Babe the blokes from the record label that were at the gig last night.” He lets out a deep breath. “They didn’t like me telling the crowd I was off the market, they want us, they want girls to like us so they want us all to keep quiet about our girlfriends so they don’t want me talking about you on stage and dedicating songs to you. I mean, I can sing them and I can say, this song is for Georgia or whatever, I just can’t say this song is for my girlfriend, well I can but they would rather I didn’t.”

Well that’s no big deal.

“Okay, well, that’s fine, I don’t expect you to dedicate songs to me every show I attend and if you want to, just say this song is for G, I’ll know what you mean, it doesn’t matter, honestly”.

His eyes meet mine and I know that there’s more,

“What else?” Another big sigh.

“They don’t want you in the hospitality room before the show, when the press and the fans are all in there.”

“Why, the groupies are all in there, why can’t I be?” I remember the suit talking to Lennon and looking in my direction last night now, I bet that’s what they were talking about, and I bet that’s what Sean and Len where arguing about after the show.

“I know, I know G and I told them, if you’ve flown all this way to see me, then there’s no way that you’re not coming backstage but he still said no way, backstage was now for wives and fiancés and family members only.”

He turns his head toward me, his brown eyes, with their tiny flecks of amber and gold look deep into mine, through mine, into me, my heart, and my soul. “What is it Sean, what? Tell me?”

He slides off the bed and kneels in front of me; oh God, what’s he done, is he about to beg me for forgiveness for something? “I went to the shops too while you were out G.”

“Did you?” My words come out as a whisper, I can barely breathe, I’m so scared of what he’s about to tell me, from beside him on the bed, he lifts a box and opens it.

Fucking hell.

I want my Mum.

“I was going to wait and ask your Dad properly and do this once we are back in England but I’m not having you barred from the hospitality rooms before the show, we always knew we would do this, this is just a bit sooner.”

I want my Dad.

I want to cry.

“Georgia Rae Layton, I’ve loved you since the very first day I set eyes on you and your pink polka dot knickers, you are my world. I know we’re young, but I love you Gia, I want to make beautiful babies with you. I know people are going to be against this but they don’t know what we know, they don’t feel what we feel, I want to grow old with you G, I want to marry you. Please, would you do the honour of becoming my Wife?’

It’s a ring.

It’s a big fat f*ck off diamond ring.

He’s bought it.

Lesley Jones's Books