Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(30)

There are a few nervous laughs from the hangers on, Rocco looks at me with a sneer on his face. “Well it’s a good job I like my women dirty like her and not stuck up little cock teases like you.” He licks up the side of Haley the whores face, yuck, he’s such a pig. “Want some?” he asks me.

“Not if my life depended on it,” I reply.

He looks me up and down and moves away to the leather sofa. “Get me a beer, Whorely, and then get back here and get on your knees.”

Like the idiot that she is, ‘Whorely’ does as she’s told, with a look of nothing, but pride on her face. In that moment, I actually felt a little bit sorry for her, poor deluded girl. I notice Rocco is staring at me, he scares the crap out of me but I tilt my chin and stare back at him defiantly.

“You’re just a bit too big for your boots little girl… but I’ll show you, I’ll show you whose f*cking king around here,” he sneers at me.

I shake my head and look toward the door as Marley comes walking through, Billy is behind him and as the door is held open I notice Sean and Lennon outside and it looks like they’re arguing, I start to head toward them, but Marley wraps me in his arms and gives me a big cuddle. “Baby sister, I’ve missed you, I cannot wait to get back to England, you smell like home.”

He gives me a kiss on the cheek, this is my big brother, this is the Marley that I have idolised since possibly the day I was born, he didn’t look as spaced out now and he didn’t seem as speedy, “I’ve missed you too Marls, I can’t wait to have you all back.”

Sean’s arms slide around my waist from behind and he kisses the top of my head. “Let’s get the f*ck out of here babe.”

I turn around and look at him as he speaks. “What’s wrong, you okay?” He nods but I can see that he’s pissed off.

I turn out of Marley’s arms and wrap my arms around Sean’s neck. “I’m ready to go whenever you are. How are we getting to the hotel?”

“There’ll be cars waiting outside the exit, the drivers just hang around until everyone leaves and drop us wherever we want to go, the label supplies.”

“Well let’s go then.”

Sean shakes hands with all the boys from his and the other bands, I kiss my brothers and Jimmie and we head off, not before I notice Rocco glaring at me as he’s getting a blow job from Haley the whore.

There’s champagne on ice when we get back to our room and rose petals all over the bed; a bath has been run and is full of bubbles and we strip naked and jump straight in, with a glass of champagne in hand. Because the taps are in the middle of the huge bath we are able to sit at each end facing each other. We sit in silence for a while, just watching each other and sipping from our glasses. Sean gives me his lazy lopsided grin as his chocolate eyes roam over my body.

“What are you thinking?” I ask him.

“I’m thinking that I wanted to undress you slowly and look at you in all that sexy underwear but I’m glad that you’re here, naked, in this bath with me; I’ve missed you so much Gia. I can’t wait to get back to England. Is your Dad going to be okay with you touring with us over there?”

I smile at him, despite how long we’ve known each other, I still blush when he says anything sexual to me, I know we’ve been doing it for a long time but I still really don’t know a lot, only what he has taught me and I love that I’m enough for him, he has all these women throwing themselves at him but it’s me he wants, me he misses, me he can’t wait to get back to England to be with.

Lesley Jones's Books