Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(25)

“Just the odd line every now and then, it’s hard going out there, we’ve all needed a little buzz to help us along. It’s nothing and everyone does it.”

I’m not surprised; I’m just disappointed that he hasn’t told me. The same as he had never mentioned how many groupies there were following them around. I knock back my drink and say nothing; Lennon appears in the doorway.

“Boys, come on, I need you for some photographs and a quick interview for this Spanish magazine.”

Sean looks at me. “I won’t be long, stay close to Jimmie.” I nod and smile at him but it’s half-hearted, I don’t think I like this fame game, it’s okay when I’m by his side but I hate that he’s seeing, doing and experiencing so many new things without me. We’ve done everything together for so long that I can’t help but get that horrible feeling that I’m losing him again.

“Let’s get another drink,” Jimmie says. “These f*ckin’ groupies are really starting to piss me off, they’re our boyfriends but they’re looking at us like we have no right to be here.”

“Ignore them,” I say to her. “Most of them will die of old age by the end of the week, they’re so ancient.” She laughs at that and we make our way over to the bar at the back of the room.

A few minutes later there’s all sorts of talk and chatter as the stars of the tour Kombat Rock, or K R as their fans call them, enter the room. We lean back against the bar as they greet the competition winners, smile, pose for photos with them and sign autographs, the fans and all members of the press are ushered out and I watch as the groupies start to circle the stars. Rocco Taylor is the bands lead singer, he’s okay looking but has nothing on Sean or Marley and he must be around twenty eight. Jimmie and I watch as he works the room, kissing some women, ignoring others, shaking hands with some of the suits and hugging others. The first supporting act are on stage and their set is being played through the speakers in the room, they’re actually not bad for a bunch of local fifteen year olds but not as good as Carnage, by a long shot.

Suddenly Rocco shouts out, “Can someone turn this crap down? It’s making my ears bleed.” Everyone laughs, everyone except Jimmie and I that is, what a dickhead!

I bet his band weren’t that good when they were just fifteen, I take an instant dislike to him and the look on my face must show it as his eyes skim past me and then swing back in my direction. “So people, what have we here, who are these two beautiful young ladies and why has no one thought to introduce them to me?”

“You’re too late Rocco,” Anna the peroxide calls out. “They’re already the property of Carnage, unlucky.”

He looks across as Anna. “Who asked for your opinion cunt?” He looked around at his entourage. “Somebody get that slut out of here.”

There’s a flurry of activity, security appear and ask Anna to leave. The air is blue with the language that she uses as she’s escorted from the room.

Rocco Taylor comes and stands right in front of us. “So, you beautiful ladies are friends with the boys from Carnage. They’re doing well, they’ll go far.”

He strokes his index finger up and down the back of my arm as he speaks, I want to tell him to stop but he’s Rocco Taylor, one of the biggest rock stars in the world. “What’s your name honey?” he asks me in his American drawl. I’m not sure where in America he comes from but he sounds like a cowboy to me.

I swallow hard before answering but my voice still comes out squeaky as I reply, “George, this is my friend Jimmie.”

Lesley Jones's Books