Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(28)

There are a combination of boos and whistles from the crowd.

“This song people, this song is for all of you that are missing the ones you love, for all of you that, for whatever reason, can’t be with that one person you love most in the world, this song, is for my girl, this song, is for Gia, I love you baby.”

As soon as I hear the sound effects of waves lapping and a boats horn, I know what the song is and I can’t stop the tears, Georgia is the obvious choice, but this, this is something he’s come up with all by himself, it’s The Jam ‘English Rose’ and I can’t stop the tears and I don’t care who sees them.

Len is at my side with his arm around my shoulder and says into my ear. “He’s been practising this for days; he didn’t think his voice was good enough.”

I cuff my runny nose and shake my head at Len. “He’s gotta be mad, he sounds better than Weller.”

“That’s what we’ve all been telling him, he just wanted it to be perfect for ya.”

I nod my head. “It’s better than perfect Len.”

We stand and watch together, Jimmie joins us, standing with her arm around Len’s waist. Sean stands from his stool, the rest of the boys join him on stage and they all take a bow, if this is the response they are getting as the supporting act in a foreign country, then I can’t wait to meet the crowd when they are top bill in England.

Sean walks off the stage straight to me, his eyes are wide, his pupils dilated, I really want it to be the buzz of being on stage that’s causing this, but something tells me that illegal substances are involved and it takes a little bit away from the beautiful song he just sung for me, but I hide my disappointment and wrap my arms around his neck as he lifts me off the floor in a hug.

“That was beautiful, thank you,” I say to him as he sets me back down, he throws his arm across my shoulder and we make our way back stage, passing the boys from K R as they head on stage. Carnage accept congratulations on their set and wish the boys from K R good luck with theirs; we all head into the hospitality room so the boys can grab a beer. The room is packed with even more groupies now and I feel inadequate and uncomfortable around these sexy, experienced women, I want to leave but I understand Sean needs to be with the boys and to network, he barely takes a swig of his beer when someone from the record company speaks to Lennon and he in turn calls the boys away. Sean passes me his beer.

“Stay with Jimmie, don’t accept a drink from anyone except the waiters, we have to go do some meet and greets and a few quick interviews, then we’ll go back to the hotel, I promise, okay babe?”

I nod my head and smile at him, the boys head toward the door and I’m not oblivious to the eyes of the groupies on them. I hate it! I hate these women, do they have no self-respect? I also hate that I have to share him with his fans right now, I’m only here for three nights and then I won’t get to see him for another two weeks. God I can’t wait for my exams to be over, and then I can do as I like and my Mum and Dad won’t be able to stop me.

Jimmie lets out a big sigh from beside me. “Well George, I think this is it, I think our boys are finally about to hit the big time, can you believe it? You’re going out with a famous rock star.”

For some reason I fill up with tears, I shake my head at her as she wraps her arms around my shoulders as she sees my distress. “He’s not a famous anything, he’s just Sean, he’s just my boy.”

“Don’t get upset George, of course he’s still your boy, he always will be, but things are gonna change, you wait till the album is released and the UK leg of the tour starts, the whole of England will be talking about them, it’s what all these years of practise have been for, all the driving about in the transit, all the grotty pubs we’ve been to with them, all the rehearsals in your summer house. Now look at us George, we’re driving about in a stretch limo and staying at the Ritz, f*ckin’ hell, we’re a couple of sixteen year old school girls and look at the life we’ll soon be leading.” I smiled and nodded and pushed down the feeling of unease all this change was giving me.

Lesley Jones's Books