Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(31)

“I think my Dad will be fine, he let me come here so I’m sure Manchester or Liverpool won’t be a problem. I’ll be the perfect daughter for the next couple of weeks, you know my Dad, I can usually get my way, especially as I have Mum on my side too.”

He bites down on the left hand corner of his bottom lip. “Come up here,” he orders, f*ck, his voice is all sexy and his eyes are partially closed, I love the feeling I get in the bottom of my belly when he looks at me like that. I walk on my knees toward him and kneel between his open legs.

“You know that thing, that we talked about, that you said we could try, that you said you would try for me?” I blush the colour of a tomato and nod my head. “Well I was thinking that seeing as I haven’t seen you and you’ll be going on Monday and I won’t see you again for another coupla weeks and seeing as I’m here and all nice and clean.”



“I promised you a blow job when I got here, pour me some more champagne and you’ll get your blow job.” I sound confident but I’m so not, we have talked about this but I’ve never been brave enough to do it, I don’t know why but to me it just seems so much more intimate than sex. Sean’s kissed me, down there, lots of times, he seems to love it and I most definitely do but I’ve never been brave enough to return the favour, but I’d already decided before I left England that tonight was going to be the night and what with the wine we had at dinner, the vodkas backstage and now the champagne, I’m feeling like I could suck for England, or do I blow, shit, I actually have no idea what I’m supposed to do.

“What’s the matter G, what are ya thinking?”

“Can we get out of here, I’ll drown if I try and do it here.”

Sean laughs and kneels up to meet me, he puts his hand to the nape of my neck and pulls me in for a kiss “I love you Georgia Rae Layton, I love you so f*ckin’ much, I can’t wait for you to finish school so we can be together all the time. So we can go to bed and wake up together every night and day, so you can come with me, wherever I go in the world, I want you with me G, by my side, always.” He kisses me gently on the mouth as I swallow back my tears.

He breaks our kiss and looks down at me. “Now get your sexy arse out this bath and give me a blow job.”

“Charming,” I reply as I shake my head at him.

We spend the rest of Friday night and most of Saturday morning, with me practising my blow job technique. I soon learn, after Sean can barely contain his laughter at my first attempt, that despite their name, they have nothing to do with blowing whatsoever. I think I will forever glow crimson when I think of the moment I held his dick in front of my mouth and just blew on it, like you would a hot cup of tea, if only it was that easy!


The boys are busy Saturday afternoon with interviews and stuff so Sean gives me his bank card and sends me shopping with Jimmie, silly boy! By the time we get back to the hotel, loaded with bags, containing shoes, bags, perfume and a few bits for Sean and Lennon, it’s almost six and the boys are back. Sean’s sitting on the end of the bed, elbows on his knees, hands clasped together; he looks up at me worriedly as I come through the door. My first thought is that he’s pissed off with the amount of money I must’ve spent as he takes in all of the bags from the designer shops but he did tell me to spend what I like.

“All right babe, did you have a good time?” He smiles up at me but it doesn’t reach his eyes.

“It was great, you should see all of the designer label shops they have here, my Mum would just love it, I got you some t-shirts, I spent about five hundred pound, is that all right?”

Lesley Jones's Books