Carnage: Book #1 The Story Of Us (Volume 1)(16)

“Come and dance next to the stage so I can watch you move, don’t cause any trouble with Haley and don’t drink too much, I love you babe.” He pulls me in for a hard kiss on the mouth; I knock back my drink as he grabs my hand and pulls me out to the pub with him.

The place is packed and hands reach out from everywhere as Sean walks through the crowd with one arm loosely slung over my shoulder. He stops continuously and shakes hands, high fives and fist bumps his fans but he never lets go of me and I notice how much tighter he pulls me in to him when any of the hands are female that reach out for him. He smiles and nods but that’s all of the attention he gives them and my heart swells with the pride I feel at being his girlfriend but I still hate it and I have to fight my desire to slap each and every one of them around their over made up faces. Some of these women must be at least thirty; shouldn’t they be at home with their kids or watching Dynasty or something? By the time we reach the stage, I probably have as much adrenalin running through me as Sean does.

He kisses my temple. “Be good, I love you,” he whispers before he turns to jump up on stage leaving me with Jimmie and Lennon.

“Woohoo, looking hot Maca!” Jimmie and I turn and stare at Haley the whore. Sean has his back to her and takes no notice.

“George,” I hear Len warn from over my shoulder.

I turn and glare at him, “What? I haven’t done anything.”

He shakes his head at me. The boys kick off with a version of Queens ‘Crazy little thing called love’ Sean goes all out rocker Billy, curling his lip and swivelling his hips and the crowd goes wild, especially the women. I’ve never heard the boys sing this song and as good as the performance is, I’m not thrilled.

“Good evening Brentwood and good evening all you lovers out there, are you ready to rock out with us tonight?”

Sean looks out across the crowd as he shouts out his welcome in that husky voice of his; there are about two hundred people in the crowd and he manages to get some kind of response from all of them. “This is a new one of ours,” he says as the boys start playing ‘Hopeless’ one of the new songs they wrote and recorded for the demo tape. The crowd goes mad. I have no idea how some of them are singing it word for word already, the boys put together a compilation tape when they were in the studio, it contains of all their new stuff and a few covers thrown in, they’ve been selling them after their shows for the last three weeks. These people must be listening to them continuously to know the words and love the songs like they already do. Over the next hour the boys play a mixture of their new songs and songs from the sixties, seventies and eighties and the crowd are loving every moment, and so are the band. Sean lets them know they’re taking a thirty minute break and is about to jump down from the stage when he spots Haley standing waiting for him. I fold my arms across my chest and stand and watch what he’s going to do, instead of jumping down from the middle of the stage and talking to the crowd like he normally does, he moves over to the left and jumps down straight into my arms. I wrap them around his neck and give him a sweaty kiss.

“Brilliant babe, you were f*ckin’ brilliant.”

He has the biggest smile on his face as someone passes him a beer, he holds my hand while we head into the back room so that he can change his t-shirt, as we walk in, Lennon is shouting at Marley who is already smoking a joint. Len doesn’t have a problem with the joint, it’s the fact that Marls is smoking now, in the middle of the set and not at the end of the show.

Jimmie and I grab our drinks as Len says, “Girls, can you wait outside please, I need to chat to the boys.”

Lesley Jones's Books