If Ever(24)

"One more dance won't hurt." Tom cocks his head and looks so hopeful and sweet. I don't understand why he's giving me all this attention when the more polished and talented Cassie and crew are a couple tables away.

Hank bumps my shoulder with his. "Chelsea, when a charming young man invites you dance, you don't say no. My God, you young kids are thicker than bricks." Hank shakes his head and moseys for the door, ignoring our laughter.

"Well, when he puts it that way, how can I refuse?"

Tom holds out a hand, and I place mine in his warm grip. As we reach the dance floor the music changes to a ballad and he sweeps me into his arms as if he planned it this way.

The bar has thinned out, allowing us more room on the dance floor. Tom's breath warms my cheek. I inhale his cologne and wonder what it's called so I can secretly buy some and be reminded of him after he's gone.

"Having a good time?" His steady hand on my lower back guides me.

"I am. You?"

"You bet. I actually know a couple of the pro dancers."


"Carlos was in a show with a friend of mine, and Cassie was in the ensemble of a show last year."

The stab of jealousy strikes again. "I wondered if maybe you knew each other."

He laughs. "Cassie is a terrific dancer, but subtlety is not one of her strong points." He spins us on the floor. Releasing my hand, he slips his to my waist dragging me closer. My heart flutters as I slide my arms around his neck, my arms resting on his shoulders. He feels great—so at ease, and yet in total control.

Dominic has some of these qualities, but with him it's totally different, like dancing with a best friend. With Tom's face mere inches away, his arms draped around me, and his hands resting on my lower back, it's impossible not to be affected. I battle to keep my cool.

He starts to sing along to the music. The low timber of his voice resonates in his chest and I feel the soft vibration as he gazes into my eyes. My breath hitches. "You don’t play fair."

Tom chuckles knowing exactly what he’s doing to me. He leans back to look into my eyes. "Want me to stop?"

"God no. I've never had a guy sing to me before, let alone someone with a voice like an angel, but don't look at me like that."

"Like what?" He feigns innocence.

"Like you're delving deep into my soul and stirring everything up."

"I didn't know I held such power." He leans closer, so he isn't looking into my eyes, and sings. His voice tickles my ear. I lay my head on his shoulder feeling a deeper connection now that we're practically skin to skin. I'm probably being too obvious about his effect on me, but when will I have an experience like this again? Anna would be proud that I'm putting myself out there. Plus, resisting this man is impossible.

When the song ends, I hope for another slow song, but something poppy sounds through the speakers. He leans away and smiles and I wonder again why he's paying me so much attention. He releases me and we step back, a cool void separating us from the delicious cocoon we'd been in.

We leave the dance floor. A nook with a crescent-shaped sofa has opened up. Tall plants surround it.

"This looks nice." He guides me into the private alcove.

"I feel like such a VIP," I say, sinking into the soft cushions.

"You qualify," he says, getting comfortable next to me.


A waitress takes our order. We lean back and put our feet up. "Tonight has been so much fun, but I'm exhausted."

"Me too, and I didn't even dance."

"But you sang the heck out of that song. Thank you again for that."

"You need to stop thanking me. Getting the call to come to LA to sing on a hit network show was an amazing opportunity. Other than the Tonys, I've never been on primetime before."


"Nope. I've done a couple of national morning shows, but most of what I do is smaller regional stuff."

The waitress delivers our drinks.

"In that case, I'm glad to help." We clink glasses and drink.

Tom is quiet. He's staring at the ice in his drink. "That video package they played before you danced was powerful."

I sigh, embarrassed about my past. "I never thought they'd air it."

He looks surprised.

"No, really. They usually show me saying something dumb, messing up, or struggling to get along with Dominic. They've never shown anything that personal before."

He stretches his arm out on the back of the sofa behind me. "You seem comfortable with the cameras."

"At first I never thought I'd get used to them, but after a while, you really do forget they exist."

Tom doesn't speak, so I continue. "When Dominic asked me why your song held such significance, I didn't think twice, I told him. The thing is, I never talk about my past. Ever. So I was surprised when it all poured out."

He considers me and then says, "Maybe it's been building up for a long time."

"Maybe." I stare at my hands wondering how to change the subject.

"That's a lot for someone so young to handle."

I shrug it off. "It's the only thing I know."

"Still, it must have been tough."

Angie Stanton's Books