If Ever(27)

"You looked like you were having a good time last night," Cassie says, appearing out of nowhere.

"It was fun to get great scores."

She takes a swig from her water bottle. "I mean the after party. I had a thing for him once too." Cassie tilts her head and gives a sly smile.

And now I have another reason to dislike this woman. Why did she have to try to spoil my memories? Inside the sound stage, energy buzzes as the crew prepares for the show, changing lighting booms and bringing in new set pieces. I find Dominic talking with the new piano player. The guy has his back to me. He's wearing a loose T-shirt, faded jeans and old chucks. My mind is playing tricks on me, I'm sure of it, but I can't hold down the hope bubbling inside.

Dominic looks up. "Hey, Chelsea."

The piano player turns and Tom gives me a quirky smile.

"Oh my God, you're here!" We all grin at each other.

"Looks like we've got the band back together," Dominic jokes.

"My flight was delayed and the call came through as I was about to board," Tom says.

Dominic excuses himself to talk to Larry. I join Tom at the piano. "I didn't think I'd see you again."

His mesmerizing eyes capture mine. "I guess it was meant to be."

My breath catches and before I get a chance to respond, Dominic returns. "Here. We have enough time to run through the lifts and then once through the whole thing."

Tom takes his spot behind the piano and tickles the keys in a quick warm up. "Do you want an intro?" he asks.

"A two measure lead in would be great," Dominic responds.

We step to our places and I realize I haven't warmed up. Dominic was rehearsing pro numbers earlier, so probably didn't think of it either.

Dominic nods to Tom and he plays the lead in to our first lift. I force myself to focus on the task at hand instead of enjoying the fact that I get more time with Tom. I turn to Dominic and we mark the steps. I'm off a half beat, but still manage to pull it off.

"Let's run that again," he says to Tom then turns to me. "You seem distracted. Get your head in the game here."

"I'm sorry. All this is happening so fast."

Dominic grins. "Or is it the guy behind the piano?"

"Shut up!" I swat him in the arm, fighting not to smile.

"All right, here we go. 5-6-7-8," Dominic calls and Tom plays again.

Now remembering exactly where we were in the dance, I mark the steps and am ready for the lift, leaping as high as I can and extending my arms so Dominic can get me up over his head. He holds the pose for two beats, turns me in the air before half lowering, half tossing me. I stick the landing, even though my feet sting from the impact.

"Good. Now the lift to the piano and then the leap," he says.

I glance at Tom who plays the next lead in, singing softly to mark the spot.

We begin the sequence. Dominic swings me onto the piano in one elegant swoop, then stands back while I mark the solo. When it comes time for the leap, I take two steps, ready to launch myself as high and far as possible, but on the second step, my foot slips on something wet.

I'm going down.

Momentum works against me and there's nothing in front of me but air. I'm far short of Dominic being able to catch me. I reach out with my arms to break my fall on the steps to the main dance floor.

In my peripheral vision, Dominic flies forward but is too late. Instead of catching me, his out-reached hand nails me in the cheek like a heavyweight boxer and I see stars. His head slams into my shoulder as I hit the steps and slide to the floor with a grunt.

Pain radiates from every impact point on my shins, thighs, hips, and forearms, leaving me unable to do more than lie in a fetal position.

As I squeeze my eyes shut to fight off the piercing pain in my cheek and shoulder, voices sound near me, but I can't take the energy to respond. Then I hear Tom in my ear.

"Chelsea, are you okay?" I force my eyes open. There's alarm on his face.

"Never better," I manage to groan, but my cheek feels like it split open from the impact, so I press my palm against it to dull the pain. My shins burn from landing on the sharp corner of the steps.

"Don't move. Stay still." He rests his hand gently on my hip.

"Medical! Where the hell is medical?" Larry hollers.

Dominic's face pops into view. "Oh God, Chelsea, I'm so sorry. I tried to break your fall."

"That's okay. You finally got back at me for kicking you in the jewels."

"What happened?" he asks.

"My foot slipped on something wet."

Tom checks the piano. "It looks like condensation from a water bottle." He returns to my side.

"You've got to be kidding me," Dominic says, exasperated.

"Dominic, are you okay?" I notice he's hunched over.

"I'll be fine, just a good smack on the head from hitting your shoulder."

A medic appears at Dominic's side. "I'm fine," he says. "Check Chelsea."

Tom edges out of the way, but I feel him gently rubbing my calf. Whether it's more of his energy stuff or him trying to reassure me, I don't care. It's nice to have him here.

"Chelsea, my name is George and I’d like to check you over. Can you roll onto your back?" the medic says.

Angie Stanton's Books