If Ever(29)

"Larry, there's no reason for you to do this. We've both checked out with medical."

"Dominic, you've already missed dress rehearsal and you have other numbers you need to stay sharp for. I'm not convinced that you aren't trying to hide a mild concussion."

It never occurred to me that Dominic might do that.

Dominic's feet are planted wide and his chin jetted out. "I'm not that stupid. Chelsea and I have rehearsed this number hundreds of times and performed it perfectly last night. She's had a lousy run on the show, give her a chance to have some fun."

I step next to Dominic to support him in the fight. "Please, Larry. We've worked really hard for this. We won't let you down."

Larry stares at me, and then Dominic, and scratches his head. "Shit. I don't know." He looks at Tom.

"They're both pretty stubborn. Personally, I wouldn't want to cross either one of them, let alone a united front."

"You're no help." He sighs.

Tom grins.

"All right, you're back in." Larry turns and walks away, then hollers back. "Don't make me regret this."

"Thank you!" I call after him.

"Yes!" Dominic high-fives me, then winces and pulls his hand back in pain.

"Dominic, are you okay?"

"I'll ice it in a minute."

Tom shakes his head. "You guys are nuts."

"Okay, Chelsea, you go get touched up by makeup to hide your bruised face. Then warm up really well. When you're ready, meet backstage by the piano. We're gonna rehearse that leap, so you have full confidence you won't fall again. Tom, make damn sure no lazy crew member leaves a water bottle or anything else on that piano."

"Got it."

"I want to speak to the control room guys about some camera shots. I'll see you in a bit." Dominic heads off.

Tom watches me with a pleasant look on his face.

"Ever since you arrived, there hasn't been a dull moment," I say.

"And I was thinking it was you who created all the drama," he laughs. "I'm glad you're okay." His expression changes to serious.

"Thanks. It takes more than a face plant to bring me down."

About a half hour before show time, I arrive backstage. Hank asks how I'm feeling, as do Eva Alverez and Tedrick, two of the more famous celebrities on the show. The nice part is that everyone seems genuinely concerned. I think they realize that as our dances become more challenging, any of us could take a nosedive.

I still don't see Tom when we do our big entrance opening the show. All the teams are lined up across the ballroom, while Marcus gives a recap of the highs and lows from last night. Once I'm backstage again, I finally spot Tom and sigh in relief. Something about his presence puts me at ease.

His mouth curls in a half smile. "Despite the fact you're body is marred with bruises underneath your makeup, you don't look so bad."

I laugh. "Is that what they call a backhanded compliment?"

He smiles and shakes his head. "What I meant is that you look radiant."

And after that, I could walk on clouds.

"Everybody ready?" Dominic asks, joining us.

"All set," I say.

Tom nods.

"Remember tonight is for the viewers. They asked to see you dance again, so relax and enjoy yourself."

Our number goes beautifully and I realize I've broken through an invisible barrier that had been holding me back. It's exciting and exhilarating to perform this way. As the applause dies down, Marcus steps onto the ballroom.

"Let's give another hand for Chelsea and Dominic as well as Tony nominated Thomas Evan Oliver performing “Stay.” I'm happy to announce that during this double elimination night, for the first time this season, Chelsea and Dominic are not in the bottom three. They are safe!"

My mouth drops open. I shouldn’t be surprised after receiving tens, but I am. Dominic whoops and swings me around. We're rushed off to the skybox with the other teams as the crew sets up for the next number during commercial break.

Hank gives me a bear hug. "I knew you were here for the long haul."

I look back at the ballroom for Tom, but the grand piano has been cleared, he's nowhere to be seen, and I'm stuck in the skybox until the end of the show.

Two hours later, I’m bummed that Tom left without saying goodbye. Dominic and I arrive at the rehearsal hall to start working on our dance for next week.

"Chelsea, hold up."

I turn and Tom is jogging across the parking lot while a cab idles at the curb.

"I'll meet you inside," Dominic says with a smirk.

I dip my head. "Thanks."

"Hey, I was afraid I'd missed you," Tom says, out of breath.

"Me too. I didn't see you after the show."

"I waited around for a while, but you guys had a long line of interviews. I ducked out to grab my bag and when I came back you were gone."

"When is your flight?"

He pulls out his phone. "In little over an hour."

"You're cutting it close."

"I couldn't leave until I saw you one last time." He kicks at a pebble on the ground.

Angie Stanton's Books