If Ever(28)

I wince as I roll over.

"Remove your hand, I'd like to take a look at your cheek."

Reluctantly, I lift my hand away from my cheek and grimace.

"No broken skin, just a bruise developing. Did you hear a crack when it happened?"

"You mean when Dominic head butted me? No snap, crackle, or pop. More of a wham!"

"Hey, it was my fist and I was trying to protect you," Dominic says.

I tilt my head back to see him. "Could you maybe be less protective in the future?"

Tom chuckles from down near my feet. "I guess pain makes her cranky."

I kick out at him, but miss.

"Calm down, Tiger," he says holding my foot.

"What else hurts?" George asks.

"My shoulder, but I'm fine. I'm just not used to getting hit like that."

He gently presses on my shoulder and lifts my arm different directions. "Tell me if any of this hurts."

Meanwhile, Tom is wiggling my toes. The medic releases my arm. "Nope. All good."

And then I giggle.

George looks at me in surprise.

"What's so funny?" Dominic asks.

"Tom is playing this little piggy with my toes."

The medic smiles, but sends Tom a cease and desist. Another medic appears to check out Dominic.

"Chelsea, I'd like you to focus on the end of my nose. I'm going to flash a light in your eyes for a couple of seconds."

I stare at his nose and want so badly to make nose trimmer jokes.

"Very good. Do you think you can sit up?"

The pain isn't quite as severe now. I gingerly lean forward, and Tom is instantly at my side.

"Excellent, now can you stand, or should we bring a gurney?" George asks.

"I'm fine, really." Tom offers a steady hand, which I accept and rise to my feet, shaking out my legs to get my blood flowing again.

"All right, let's get you back to the physical therapy room for a closer look. We need to clear the stage for dress rehearsal."

It's then I notice half the cast and crew looking on. I mumble, "Great. I wonder how many of them saw my body slam into the steps."

"I'm actually hoping someone caught it on camera for a replay," Tom teases.

I narrow my eyes. "So that's the kind of guy you are." He grins, and I hobble after George.

"Chelsea, wait." Dominic stands. "I need a quick word." He motions me off to the side. I join him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Just a little battered. You?"

"Nothing serious. Listen. If you feel sure you're okay, don't let them take you to the hospital. They'll cut our encore dance and you'll miss the show."

"I want to perform."

He nods. "All right. Unless the medic finds some viable reason why you can't, the show must go on. Deal?"

"Deal." We bump fists. I turn to Tom, "You up for it, Mr. Foot Fetish?"

Tom grins. "Absolutely."

George waves me over, so I follow and he checks my vitals and listens to my breathing. "Everything checks out. Here are a couple painkillers you should take right now, and some ice packs for your cheek and shoulder. I'll be back shortly."

"Will the pills make me woozy?"

"Not at all, they'll just take the edge off."

I down the pills.

Dominic peeks in. "I'm going to talk to Larry and make sure they don't pull us."

"You sure know how to add excitement to the day." Tom touches the ice pack gently to my cheek. I wince. "You're on your way to a nasty shiner. Heck look at you, you're all banged up."

I glance at a few stray bruises. "When I agreed to do the show, no one told me how much pain was involved. This is no sport for the faint of heart."

He traces a bruise on my shin.

"That tickles." I bend my knee. The panels of my dress slide open revealing a bare thigh. Tom's eyes travel up my leg.

"This one looks especially nasty." His finger lightly brushes around a large bruise sending tingles up my arm.

"A spray tan can only do so much. I feel like an old junker that's been through a demolition derby."

Larry appears. "How are you feeling?"

Tom pulls his hand away. I lower the ice pack from my cheek. "Good. Nothing more than a couple of bumps."

"Glad to hear it. I just wanted to let you know that we felt it necessary to pull your encore number. We'll have Cassie and Shane do their dance instead."

I sit upright. "That's not fair!"

Larry frowns. "I know you're disappointed, but it's for your own safety."

"Did the medic say I can't dance?"

"No, but I feel it's better for you to sit this one out. Don't worry about joining dress rehearsal. Dominic's done the show a hundred times. He'll be able to guide you through. Tom, thanks for coming back, but we won't be needing you after all."

Before I can disagree again, Larry's out the door. "Dammit." I slam my head back against the pillow, then grimace. "Ow."

Within minutes, raised voices sound outside the room. One of them is definitely Dominic. I drop the cold packs and linger near the door. Dominic is arguing with Larry.

Angie Stanton's Books