If Ever(23)

The song changes to something slower and he transitions us into the new number. "Wow, you can really dance!" I exclaim, relaxing in his close proximity.

He raises an eyebrow. "I am on Broadway."

My mind goes blank. What does that have to do with dancing? Then my thoughts click. Broadway. Performing. Singing and dancing. "Oh my God. Of course!"

He throws back his head and laughs. I lower my forehead to his chest to hide my embarrassment. Tom leans back and holds me away so I'm forced to look at him again.

"I am such a moron. I've been in this Celebrity Dance Off bubble for too long. It's like anything outside of this show doesn't exist."

He maneuvers me into a turn, pulls me back to him, and smiles. "I love how there's no fancy pretenses with you." He smiles.

I'm so out of my element with this guy. I release his hand to make a quick escape. He catches me before I take two steps. "Oh no you don't. You're not bailing."

"Now who's bossy?" I say, firmly and happily ensconced in his hold again.

He smirks and when the song eventually ends, I'm disappointed. We join Dominic, Pavel and a couple others at a highboy. Tom is dragged away to meet someone and I pretend I don't miss him.

Hank sidles up as the others leave for the buffet. "That was some performance tonight."

"Thanks." His compliments always mean the most.

"That video package was something." He holds my gaze. "You've been through fire and ice and come out all the stronger."

"Is that what happened?" I laugh.

His wise, old eyes see right through me. "You, my dear, are a survivor."

I glance away, self-conscious. Tom is talking with Dominic. Dominic shakes his head and smiles, then pats Tom on the shoulder.

Hank lifts his glass. "So it looks like you and Dominic are back in the race."

I return my attention to Hank. "You looked pretty suave out there tonight," I say to change the subject. And then I see Cassie fawning over Tom again and turn my back so I don't have to watch.

"I just let Sonya push me around the floor and whisper the steps in my ear. I'm getting too damn old to play with you kids." He shakes his head, as if ready to throw in the towel.

"Hank. Don't say that. You're one of the few highlights of this show for me."

He smirks. "I don't know. You seem to have found a new highlight of your own."

"What are you talking about?"

He tilts his head toward Tom who's now laughing with Cassie and her troupe friends two tables away.

My heart warms at the sight of him, but he's distracted with the gorgeous pro dancers. "It was really amazing that he came out here to sing for us."

"I'd say it was amazing in more ways than that. I've seen how you light up whenever he's around." Hank winks.

If Hank noticed, has everyone else? My face falls. "Oh my God, do you think he knows?"

"I damn well hope so. If he doesn't, the boy's a fool."

I hang my head in embarrassment. "I should go back to my apartment."

"Calm down. Every woman in the room turns into a giggling idiot when he's near. You didn't."

Sure enough I glance at the women Tom's talking to. They're all grinning like fangirls, and Cassie gives out a laugh that sounds like a high-pitched cackle.

"No worries, Chelsea. You were your lovely self."

"You mean caustic self?"

He pats my hand. "That's my girl. And if a man doesn't love you for that, he's the wrong one. Now let's get some food. I've only had one trip to the buffet, and my belly can hold plenty more."

I mound my plate with little meatballs, stuffed mushrooms and quesadillas. Dominic and some of the others join Hank and I.

I pretend not to watch Tom, but it's impossible not to notice him being maneuvered through the room. I swallow down a meatball along with a stab of jealousy. After twenty minutes of Hank and I speculating what the theme is for next week, Dominic, Sonya, and Pavel refuse to give us a hint, I finish my drink and reach for my handbag. "Hank, I'm going to head out."

"I don't think so," he says.

"I'm whipped. These long days are catching up with me." I don't usually relive my past for the world to see, and I truly am exhausted.

Hank touches my arm. There’s a twinkle in his eye. "You're not going anywhere, sweetheart." He looks at something behind me. I turn and there is Tom with his easy smile and warm eyes. I fight to stay cool and not "light up" as Hank implied.

"I thought I'd never get away from everyone. This is the chattiest cast I've ever met," Tom says.

I force a smile. I wouldn't agree, but I'm also not the hot, British visitor from New York City.

Hank drains his glass and slams it on the table. "Hang around long enough and they'll talk you to death. It's time for this old man to go home and take his pills."

"I was just heading out myself," I say.

"You can't leave. This is my last night in L.A.,” Tom says, and the tone of his voice and his playful eyes make me want to stay, but I also don't want to act the embarrassing fangirl.

"I don't know. I've had a long day."

Angie Stanton's Books