If Ever(20)

I glance down at Tom and he's looking straight up at me. If I were wearing a dress, he could be peeking up my skirt, but I'm in dance shorts, which are way more revealing, and now I wish I'd worn more clothes.

My feet are leaving footprints on the shiny black surface. "I feel terrible standing on top of this beautiful piano in my bare feet. It seems sacrilegious."

Tom gives me the eye. "It is. You're going straight to hell."

I do a double take and realize he's hiding a smirk. "Don't worry. I'm probably going there already anyway," I say.

He hikes an eyebrow.

Dominic interrupts. "Try marking your steps. See how you feel about the space. And then for the leap, you've got two beats to step to the edge and dive forward. Ready to give it a try?"

He takes his place below. So now I'm not leaping a few feet off the raised stage into his arms, I'm a good three feet higher. "Are you sure you can catch me from this high?"

He gives me a cock-eyed frown. "Have I ever dropped you?"

"Well, sort of."

Tom chuckles.

"Those weren't drops, that was learning." Dominic defends himself. "Now you're a pro."

"But I'm not a pro," I whisper.

Dominic stands at the ready. It feels like a suicide fall. Tom's eyes are on me and I don't want to embarrass myself.

I lick my lips and focus on Dominic. "Are you sure you're ready?" I'm always afraid he won't be paying attention.

"Chelsea, I will always be here to catch you. Always. You need to learn to trust me. Push off as hard as you can."

I clench my fists for a second. "Okay, I'm ready."

Tom softly plays the tune in the background to give me my place, which actually helps. I mark the moves and step to the edge, my toes hit the edge of the piano, and I launch myself toward Dominic.

But the piano slides backwards from the sudden thrust of my push off. I scream as my leap falls short. Dominic rushes in and awkwardly catches me before I hit the steps.

"See, I've got you." He grunts and sets me on my feet.

"Thanks," I say, my heart about to explode out of my chest. I don't mention that his arm punch in the gut nearly brought up my scrambled eggs.

Tom is climbing off the floor. "That's a new one," he says, his hair mussed and face confused. The piano pushed into him so fast it knocked him and his piano bench over.

"Sorry," I giggle, but it's fun to see him off kilter.

"Can someone please secure the brakes on the piano?" Dominic calls out.

A couple minutes later, with the piano secure and Tom seated again, I'm about to hop back up on the piano.

"Here, come around and step on the bench. It's easier," Tom scoots over to give me room and holds out his hand. I take his hand for support as I step up and smile. "Thank you."

We run the leap a couple of times. Each time when I place my foot on the piano bench, Tom's there offering his hand. I notice Dominic snickering at something Tom is doing. I turn as I step onto the piano lid and he's staring at my ass. He quick snaps his guilty eyes up to mine.

Dominic laughs.

"Oh my God, have you been doing that every time?”

He grins.

“What are you, like twelve years old?" I tug the edge of my shorts down.

"Sorry, love."

I don't respond, and I have a feeling he's still looking at my behind, but he called me love again, which makes my pulse race.

The next day during dress rehearsal I mess up at the beginning of the number and can't pull it together no matter how much coaching Dominic offers. We only get the one shot at dress rehearsal, so I'm left obsessing over my mistakes. Plus it's in front of a guy with a gorgeous smile and delicious accent who flew across the country to sing.

The confidence I built up yesterday is out the window. I hide in my trailer. Even the idea of drinking bourbon with Hank isn't enough to pull me out. By the time I report to the ballroom for show time, I've got myself so worked up that I want to vomit. I love this dance so much and thought tonight I might be able to stay in the show on my own merit. Enough people have been voted off, and I've been lucky to make it this far, but now I'm on the chopping block and everyone knows it.

Dominic spots me from across the room and beelines over. "Where the hell have you been?"

"Sorry, I just needed some space to get my head together." I rub my arms, my gaze darting anywhere and everywhere.

"Did it work?"

"Not so much."

The audience is ready and suddenly it's all lights, camera, action. I give the obligatory smiles through the introductions, and then hang out in the skybox as the other couples perform. Each one is better than the next. Hank and Sonya do another really cute number. This time they are the turtle and the hare, and it's hilarious. Odds of me beating the seventy-three year old country singer aren't looking good.

Finally Dominic and I are called to the stage for the pre-commercial promo. My nerves are wound tight.

Tom, who I haven't seen since my abysmal dress rehearsal, joins us decked out in a black dress shirt, slacks, and a jacket that fit him to perfection. Combined with his blond hair and easy smile, it's difficult not to stare. "You look great," I say, happy for the distraction.

Angie Stanton's Books