If Ever(19)

"And I'm wasting your time. You dropped everything to fly across the country for this." And then it occurs to me he had to miss work to be here. Is the show paying him? "Oh, God, I hope you're getting paid. Are you getting paid?" I turn to Dominic. "Is he getting paid?"

Tom laughs. "Yes, I'm getting paid."

I whip back around. "That's good. I hope it's a lot, cause I'm not getting very much. But I'm nobody, and you're somebody, and you deserve a lot." I turn to Dominic with pleading eyes. "Oh, God, Dominic, please make me shut up."

Dominic holds back his laughter. "Nope. I think you're doing great."

I spin back to Tom who is as entertained as Dominic. "It's just that I really want this to be right. It needs," I wave my arms in the air, Tom's eyes follow my flailing hands. "You know, like, passion."

His eyes widen, as if I've said a dirty word.

"Not like sexy, smexy passion, but more... you know. Oomphy passion, like from the gut, the deep stuff that rips you apart." My hands are fisted as I make churning motions. "You know?"

Tom nods to appease me, but it also looks like he's biting his cheek so he won't burst out laughing.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry." I throw my arms in the air. "Sing it any way you like. I'm fine. Really." I hug myself and fight the urge to curl into the fetal position.

"No. It's okay," Tom says. "This is your dance, your big night. I'm just a guest here and I want to help you do great."

Dominic, with his eyes laughing at me, nods in agreement.

Tom continues. "So let me get this straight. You want passion. Not the sexy, smexy kind. You want the oomphy kind."

Dominic snorts.

I glare at him. "I hate you," I mutter under my breath.

Tom laughs and then catches himself. I realize he has dimples. I never knew dimples in a guy could be so attractive. I try to look away, but then he says, "Let me see what I can do. How about this?"

Tom loses his grin and takes a deep breath. And in an instant, it's like he's switched channels and gone somewhere else. He begins to play. His demeanor is different. His playing sounds more thoughtful, and his voice takes on an emotional tone. I'm frozen in place listening.

The song builds into a heart-wrenching anthem. The anguish in his voice rings strong and true. I witness actual sadness in his eyes. He hits the climax, the money notes, and the brilliant haunting sound gives me goose bumps. He's transported me back to that devastating day when my life fell apart.

I cover my mouth in awe of how easily he tapped into such an emotional place. He solemnly plays the final chords and his eyes lock with mine. For a split second it's as if he's peeking into my soul and has seen things no one else should.

I'm speechless.

"How was that, love?" he asks softly, holding my gaze.

But there are no words for the gorgeous performance he just delivered. And I can't break his look.

"Chelsea has nothing to say," Dominic says. "That's got to be a first. Tom, I felt the passion, and not the sexy, smexy kind."

Tom breaks into a grin and the moment is gone.

"Let's hang onto that feel and run this thing. Ready?" Dominic asks.

I nod and take my place. "How'd he do that?" I whisper, and Dominic shrugs.

Tom begins again and I'm lost in the mood, throwing myself into the moves, not thinking, just letting muscle memory take over and be in the moment. Then we get to the part where Dominic lifts me onto the stage, I have a few solo steps and then leap into his arms, but it feels wrong and the end of the number goes poorly.

I'm disappointed at the final lift and look to Dominic for feedback. "Chelsea, other than the end, which we'll fix, that was amazing. All my harping about losing yourself to the intention of the steps has paid off."

It felt better than we've ever performed it.

Tom speaks up. "I've been watching the show all season and, wow. There's no way you'll be sent home if you dance like that tomorrow night."

He likes it, and coming from a guy who can sing like he does, my heart fills to bursting.

"Thanks, man," Dominic says. "Apparently having you sing it with oomphy passion is all it takes."

I give Dominic a dirty look. Tom chuckles.

Dominic ignores me. "We need to fix the end though, with the leap. Something's off."

"I agree," Tom adds. "I think using the stage takes you out of the frame you've been working in. What if you have Chelsea on the piano instead of the stage, and she does the solo steps here and then takes the leap. It would make a bigger impact."

Dominic rubs the side of his chin like he always does when he's considering a new idea. "I think you're absolutely right. Let's use the piano as a focal point. What do you think?" He turns to me.

I look at the grand piano. It's really big until you consider actually trying to dance on the lid. Plus, Tom, a seasoned Broadway veteran, will be right there at the keyboard, which is incredibly intimidating. "What if I fall off?"

"You're not going to fall off. You're going to leap off," Dominic assures me.

I chew on my lip. "I guess we can try."

Dominic hoists me up on the piano so I can get the feel of it.

Angie Stanton's Books