Losing Him (Mitchell Family #8)(51)
I poured a cup of coffee and looked over at him. He looked worse than the day before. “Jess, are you alright?”
“Yeah, same shit different day.”
“I’m not doing this to be mean.” I felt bad.
“I get why you think you have to do this. I just don’t agree with it.” He grabbed his keys and started to walk away.
“Where are you going? I have to set up for the yard sale.”
“I’m sure you can manage. You’ve had all week. I’m going to go grab some breakfast and then I’m going to get a haircut, not that I have to tell you where I’m going anymore.” He walked out the door without looking back or waiting for me to reply. I could tell he was pissed. It was going to take time for him to be alright with being around me. I almost wished that he hated me. It would have been easier for the both of us to end things.
With Jessie being gone, I had to wake up Jacob and enlist him to help me out. He wasn’t too happy about having to help so I bribed him with ice-cream. Since I’d had time during the week, everything was already in the garage. It had all been priced and was organized. All we had to do was set it out on the folding tables that I’d found in the shed out back.
People started showing up and buying things before I was done getting everything out. Jacob loved taking the money and making change, with me helping him, of course.
By the time that Jessie pulled up out front, we’d already made one hundred bucks. Jacob pulled out the wad of cash and flashed it around. “Daddy, look what we made so far! We’re rich!”
Jessie didn’t know it, but I was planning on giving him everything he’d spent on me back. It wasn’t his job to pay my bills and take care of me. He’d saved up money and had to use it for my mother’s mortgage. Sure, it wasn’t much and I would be able to pay him back with a couple paychecks, but it was just the courteous thing to do.
Around ten in the morning, I saw Amy walking up the driveway. She had her oldest daughter with her and I knew her name started with a C but I couldn’t remember what it was. “Hi there!”
Amy walked toward me with a big smile. “How are you doing? We didn’t get a chance to talk at church.”
“I’ve decided to move into my mother’s house. I went for an interview this week at the hospital and I think I got the job.” Just as I said I saw Jessie shake his head and walk away. Since Amy was standing there, I couldn’t just chase after him. “I’m trying to start over.”
Amy smiled and touched my shoulder. “You have to do what makes you happy. Just remember that some decisions can hurt before they get better again. I think you’re brave for what you’re doing. It’s going to be a big adjustment.”
“Thanks for the advice. Hey, do you think that maybe we could have lunch sometime? I mean, I know we aren’t close or anything, but I don’t have any friends here. I just thought..”
“It would be great. Sometimes I just need to get away from family stuff. I love them, but we live together and work together. Sometimes I just want to scream.”
I laughed at her comment. “Do you think Miranda would get mad at you?”
She shook her head. “No. She’s been better about things, besides, her and Ty have their own stuff going on. I don’t know if you heard, but Bella got Rocky Mountain Fever a couple months ago. They misdiagnosed it at first and she had to be put back in the hospital.”
I put my hand over my mouth. “Oh my God. Is she going to be alright? I know that can be fatal. Please tell me she’ll be okay?”
Amy smiled. “She’s doing better. Her immune system just got messed up. Now, when she gets a cold, she gets really sick. The doctor is pumping her with vitamins and she’s been responding well. She’s back in school, but still not one hundred percent.”
“Ty must have freaked out.” We all knew how much he loved that little girl.
“When it comes to that kid, Ty always freaks out. He stayed by her side the whole time. I don’t know what would happen if he lost her.”
I could sense that things had gotten serious and I didn’t want to dwell on the negative. “So, are you shopping for anything in particular?”
She started looking around. “The kids could use some flannel sheets. Do you have any of those?”
“Actually, I think there are two whole sets. My mother had this thing with sheets. She never could have too many. I say that all you need is two sets.” I was trying to make her smile after making her sad. It was hard for me to be friendly, since I really had no friends.
“I’ll take both sets.”
I pointed to Jacob. “Head over to my associate and he will check you out, literally. His father taught him all about how to look at a woman.”
She shook her head and laughed as she walked away. The tables were crowded with people and I didn’t have a chance to say goodbye to her. I saw her waving before she got into her car. Seeing her had made me optimistic that I could have friends again. Sure, Amy was part of that Mitchell clan, so I had to be careful not to step on any toes as far as being around her. I was never going to be friends with Ty and Miranda, but maybe, just maybe, I’d be able to walk into an establishment without it being a problem if they were there too.
I started cleaning up around two in the afternoon. I’d sold more than half of my mother’s old junk and make five hundred bucks and some change. For being a big helper, I gave Jacob twenty one dollar bills. He thought he’d hit the jackpot and could live for the rest of his life with that much money. It was cute to see him running up to his father and telling him all about it.