Losing Him (Mitchell Family #8)(49)
As the parents came down to gather their children, I saw Tyler and his wife getting closer. Ty grabbed one of the twins by the ear. “Come on Jax, let’s go before you set something on fire.”
The kid stayed by his side while Miranda gathered up the other twin. I looked around, but didn’t see their daughter. Perhaps she had been out with her friends and just didn’t attend. It wasn’t my business. Amy and Conner came right over. “Jessie, how have you been?” Amy looked up at my hair. “You should come by for a haircut while you’re here.”
“We’re leaving tonight, well, me and Jacob are. Heather is going to stay and get some things ready for a big yard sale next weekend. You should come by. Her mother had a lot of nice things.” Amy and Conner seemed like good people. I was glad they could be cordial with Heather.
“Yeah, we’ll definitely stop by.” They grabbed their slew of kids and headed back upstairs to leave.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tyler approaching Heather. It was hard to assume that things were going to go well. Unlike every other time, he said something to her and then walked away. He even nodded when he walked past me. I felt like I was in a different dimension where everyone got along.
I kept my opinions to myself until we got home. Heather talked to Jacob as I drove, but said nothing really important to me.
By the time we walked into the house I couldn’t take it anymore. Things were too strange to ignore. I walked up to her in the kitchen and spun her around. “What’s going on?”
She smiled. “What do you mean? Nothing is going on. Wasn’t it nice that they let me do children’s church and manage the nursery?”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were doing that? You just left me sitting there. Why did you ask me to go?” I shook my head and leaned against the counter. “Something is going on. What are you keeping from me?” She knew that was the biggest problem that we always had.
“Jessie, please don’t take it so personal. I’m just trying to get back on my feet. It’s all part of the steps. I thought you’d be proud of me for making an effort.”
“There’s a difference in wanting to do nice things and sneaking around to do it. First you say you aren’t going home so you can rummage through things here, then you leave me sitting in a pew at church for something you obviously had planned out. Did I do something to piss you off?”
She just smiled and shook her head. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, Jess. I wouldn’t be anywhere if it wasn’t for you taking me in and helping me out. Someday I want to be able to repay you for everything you’ve done for me.”
I didn’t like her tone. It sounded as if she was just some stranger that I picked up a fed a hot meal to. “Is there something you’re keeping from me?”
She shook her head again. “Of course not! Trust me, if something pertains to you and your house, I’d let you know. I promise that everything I am doing is for me.”
I approached her and put my arms around her waist. Right away she looked into my eyes. “I’m sorry. Something feels off and I want you to know that you can talk to me.”
“I know you’re there for me. Your friendship means a lot.”
I rubbed her cheek with my thumb. “It’s not just a friendship. You know that.”
When I leaned in to kiss her, she didn’t respond. Instead, she pulled away and started making a drink. “Jess, I just don’t want you to hate me.”
“Why would that happen? I thought we were on the same page?” She was going insane. That had to be it. Surely she could go see a doctor and correct that.
“I’ve decided to move into my mother’s house permanently.”
My mouth dropped as I stood there just looking at her. “What?”
“You heard me. Listen, I’ve had a lot of time to think about it. The truth is that no matter how much I try to move on, I can’t do it while you’re being so nice and taking care of me. I can’t depend on you like that. I’m not a child you have to take of.”
I grabbed her hands. “I want you there with me. Haven’t you figured that out?”
She put her hands on either side of my face. “I love you for all that you’ve done for me, but the truth is, you left me. You didn’t decide you wanted to be with me until after my accident. I know that the reason you’re here is because you feel obligated to be. I don’t want to live like that. I don’t want to be with someone that feels sorry for me. I need to be happy and so do you.”
It was like a kick in the balls hearing her say that she didn’t want me. For the first time since knowing her, I felt what she had every time I walked away. “Heather, you’re wrong. I came..”
She put her hand up over my lips. “You came back because I was the mother of your son. I get it. I just…things have changed for me. I want to start over and have something that I can say is mine. This house is the only memory that I have of my mother. I can’t just walk away from that. Besides, I’m in the position to look for a new job here, in this town. The hospital is hiring and I’ve already put in an application a couple weeks ago. I have an interview this week.”
“What about Jacob?” My eyes were stinging and I couldn’t let her see me upset. She was ripping my heart to shreds as she talked about a bright new future without me in it.