If Ever(110)

Tom takes my dishes away and returns with a glass of ice water, more medicine, and my phone. "I hate to leave, but I've got to get to work."

I snatch it. "Where did you find it?"

"Between the nightstand and bed. It must have fallen during your mad dash to escape," he says lightly, but I sense his hurt. I look at him more closely and see dark circles under his eyes.

"I'm sorry you had to come over here to take care of me. You're exhausted."

He gives up a sad smile. "I'm just thankful you're safe."


With music pumping in my ears and sweat rolling down my back, I up the tension on the treadmill. I didn't have a single workout while Chelsea was gone, not that tearing my hair out with worry didn't burn a few calories.

Having her take off reminds me of when Max referred to her as a unicorn, easily startled and nearly impossible to catch. Well, now that I have my unicorn back, I want to keep it that way.

My phone buzzes over the sound of my music, startling me out of my thoughts. I slow the machine and jump off. It's Sean. I've talked to him more this past month than I have the past year. "Hey." I grab my towel and wipe my sweaty face. The workout room is loud, so I collect my water bottle and head into the hall.

"We have an offer."

I stop in my tracks. Thank God. "For what?" I've been auditioning for so many parts it could be anything.

"The movie offer came in about an hour ago."

"Bloody hell! I thought I bombed the screen test. What took you so long to call?"

"I touched base with the new musical and they don't want to lose you. They're pulling together an offer as we speak."

I'm stunned. I rub my towel over my face. "Holy shit."

Sean chuckles. "You're also on the short list for the lead in the Netflix pilot."

"How is this possible? I've been at it for months with nothing."

"They're all finalizing casting at the same time and when I let them know that you're considering multiple projects, they stepped up to the table. So now you've got some big decisions to make."

I fling the towel over my shoulder and pace the hallway. "And what do I take?"

"That, my friend, is up to you. With the movie you'll garner enormous exposure, which translates to more work. The musical is a gamble depending on whether it goes to Broadway after the out of town, but if it does, you'll have stability and can stay in New York. And if the series offer comes through, well, you'll be in L.A. for a while with the possibility of a long term contract."

My mind is reeling. A supporting role in a movie would be great, and I haven't done one since I left the UK. But the new musical is with an acclaimed director with a script I love. While a lead, the role wouldn't be nearly as demanding as my role in Crossing Lines. And what about Chelsea, what would work best for her? "Geez, Sean. I'm going to need some time on this."

"Take your time, which translates to decide fast. You only have a couple of days. I'll send the offers over so you have all the facts."

We end the call and I pound my fist in the air and scream a whoop of celebration, gaining me startled looks. I can't wait to tell Chelsea.


I'm on the phone with Anna talking about my job news when Tom walks in with a bottle of champagne and a euphoric grin. "Hey, Anna. Something’s up here and I've gotta go."

"I got the movie!" He raises the bottle in the air.

"The one you thought you bombed?" I set my phone on the counter.

"Go figure, right?"

"That's amazing!" I launch myself into his arms and he swings me and the bottle of bubbly in a circle. "I'm so proud of you! Tell me about it." I take the bottle from him as he slips off his coat.

"Well, there's more. I also landed a new musical."


"Oh God, it's such a relief, you have no idea." He collapses on the couch. "I can take a break from auditioning. I do have to decide which one to take, but for the moment I just want to wallow in the fact that I know where my next paycheck is coming from, and I'll have some time off when I finish Crossing Lines."

I grab a couple of glasses from the kitchen and join him. "How long?" I ask, peeling the foil off the champagne and handing him the bottle to open.

"A couple weeks. Long enough to take you on a proper holiday, like maybe England to meet my family. That is if you don't mind visiting in the dreary winter." He removes the cork to a loud celebratory pop.

“Um, there’s a slight problem.” Why do things never go my way? I get good news one minute and then something sours it the next.

“Your passport, I know.” He pours bubbly into each glass and hands me one. “Let’s get working on that ASAP.”

“Actually, that’s not the problem.” I hold my glass and watch the bubbles roll up the side.


“I have news too.” I nibble the side of my lip. “I got a job with Paige’s husband’s literary agency. I’m going to work in the foreign rights department.”

“Oh, Chelsea, congratulations!” He sets down his glass and pulls me into his arms. “Everything is coming together perfectly. When do you start?”

Angie Stanton's Books