If Ever(109)

"I can tell you feel better, you're bossy." He laughs and clicks the door closed.

He's right. This is the best I've felt in days. When I'm out of the shower, I notice he left me fresh underwear, yoga pants and his T-shirt. I raise it to my face and inhale his fresh musky scent. He must have just taken it off. I smile and wonder what he's wearing as I slip it over my head and hug the soft fabric.

"I feel human again," I say finding him in the kitchen ladling soup into a bowl. He's wearing a green hoodie with nothing underneath. Music plays softly in the background and warm afternoon sun shines through the window. "Thank you for the T-shirt."

He smiles, knowing me all too well.

I sink into the thick cushions of the couch and look out over the street. People rush by to wherever they're supposed to be, their breath shows as puffs of white.

He places a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup on the coffee table and sits next to me.

I want to curl into his side, but I still feel awkward and embarrassed over the Barbie incident and me leaving. "This looks delicious." I blow on my first spoonful, before tasting. The rich broth is nirvana to my taste buds.

"I've got to head out in a little bit, but I'll be back right after the show." He rubs my thigh as if he too needs the physical connection.

"You're too good to me."

"Hardly. I'm sorry I hurt you. I didn't mean to."

I set my spoon down and turn to him. "I know that. Seems we both have been doing a bit of that lately. I'm sorry too."

He smiles sadly, the way people do when they've both been through hell.

"Why did you go with her?" I ask, hopeful his answer will put me at ease.

Tom sighs. "I met Barbie at a party about two years ago. She was right out of theatre school and making the rounds of auditions. I'd had a bit of success and I think that's why she latched onto my wagon. We dated a couple months and then when my sublet was up, I moved in with her and another guy. She landed a national tour and moved out. I stayed. As soon as she was out of town, she basically stopped calling. Soon after, I heard she had hooked up with the stage manager. I thought we had something, but clearly we didn't. She was using me for my connections, pestering my agent to take her on, bothering my costars for favors, asking my voice coach for free sessions."

"But why did you leave? What did she say that made you go with her?"

He hangs his head and sighs. "She said that she left because she was pregnant. That's all she'd tell me unless I went with her to talk."

My eyes widen. "Wow."

"No kidding."

Barbie didn't look like the maternal type. "And did she have the baby?" I ask, even though I'm pretty sure I know the answer.

Tom stands and turns away. "She got rid of it." When he faces me again, his eyes are filled with sadness. He looks away and then adds. "So she could go on tour."

"I'm so sorry."

He pinches the bridge of his nose. "I know a lot of guys would be happy not to have to deal with an unplanned kid, but I'm not that guy."

I'm not sure what to say. It's a horrible thing and he's still feeling the shock.

He paces the room. "I just can't fathom how she could do that, and then she used the information as a bargaining chip. She's a whack job."

He stops and looks at me. "That's why I didn't come back right away. I was so frustrated and shocked. I needed time to process."

"It's okay, you don't have to say any more." Now I feel terrible for jumping to conclusions.

"Yes, I do. I want you to understand why I didn't at least call you back. As I was headed home, Sean called about a last minute screen test for a movie I'm up for." He pauses and our eyes meet.

"That's huge, isn't it?" I had no idea, of course, because he keeps his secrets.

"Yeah. It would be a dream come true. I would have called you, but my phone died while I was talking to Sean. I had to get straight to the studio and had no chance to call."

"Never mind that. How did it go?"

"It took all afternoon. The part is between me and another guy, but I was so off my game, I honestly don't remember half of it. Now it's just a matter of time before Sean calls with the bad news."

I go to him. "Maybe not. Maybe you're exactly what they want."

"Maybe. I've got enough irons in the fire, one's bound to hit eventually."

"I've made such a mess of things."

"You? I think it was me. Can we put this behind us?"

"I'd like nothing more." He hugs me, his strong arms warm around my back. I've missed him so much and he feels so safe. I reluctantly release him. “Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you that the other day I got a letter from my dad.”

He leans back and eyes me. “And?”

“Actually it was from his lawyer.” I explain what the letter said and give him my take that it was a final action to end his connection to me.

Tom shakes his head. “Maybe he felt guilty when he found out what happened to you.”

“I’d like to think so, but somehow I don’t think he’s the sensitive type.” This is the longest I've been awake in days and all this talk is catching up with me. I return to the couch.

Angie Stanton's Books