If Ever(114)

He gazes at me with tender devotion. "Chelsea, marry me. Spend your life with me. We will overcome any obstacles that come our way, and I will love you until my last breath."

There's such hope on his handsome face. His blue eyes gleam despite the sleet. My mind battles itself. I was poised to move on in order to end my fears of being left behind, unloved, but here he is offering me more than I could dare dream for.

"Are you sure?"

I hear laughter and glance up. There is a growing crowd watching him on bended knee. A couple have their phones aimed at us recording this moment.

Tom smiles. "I've never been more certain of anything in my life."

"But I'm broken. I'm no good for you," I utter in an emotional whisper.

"No, you're not. You're just scared and together we'll fix that."

"Promise? Because I hate being this way."

"I promise," he says, so sincerely, and then there's a devilish twinkle in his eye. "And I also promise you passion. The sexy smexy kind." He grins.

I giggle, and at that moment my fears are pushed away by the swell of love in my heart. "Yes, yes, yes," I say reaching for him.

He rises and pulls me into his arms, kissing my lips and face. He holds me away, takes my left hand, and slips off my glove. Our eyes meet.

My hands are shaking, overwhelmed that I get to spend the rest of my life with this man.

He gently slides the ring onto my finger and I feel part of something special and important. "It's breathtaking."

He raises my hand to his lips and kisses it. "You have made me the happiest man in the universe."

"I love you so much." More than anyone in the world and he's brave enough to take me on.

I step into his arms and there's applause. I peek at Tom and smile.

Angie Stanton's Books