Crave To Conquer (Myth of Omega, #1)(32)

"You’re so sexy." Drocco’s mouth hovered above her pussy, shining with her fluids. His liquid black eyes were on her as he spoke, low and raspy. "I have never seen anything like it, kitten."

As soon as he spoke, Cailyn froze. Her high was fading away, the reality of her situation returning. He never made her come without also giving her pain.

He stood up and she watched him as she lay there, through lidded eyes, for what he was going to do next. His trousers tented at his crotch, but he never made to remove them.

He looked down at her for a long moment and then turned toward the table. "Come and eat," he ordered.


For the next stretch of time, a new pattern emerged. Twice a day, Drocco would leave the room. On his return, he would feast on her body until she came in his mouth, and then watch her eat at the table. Cailyn tried to remain alert. Something about his behavior wasn't right. He didn't seem to want to gratify himself, after so many days of fucking her. Part of her, that stupid Omega impulse part of her, was annoyed by this, while the more logical side of her was glad that he kept his cock far away from her pussy.

Eventually, though, her impulses began to strengthen. She caught herself wondering what was wrong with her—why this perfect Alpha didn’t want to mate with her anymore. Furthermore, she was becoming more and more unsatisfied with just his mouth. Of course, the orgasms were incredible. But now that she had experienced being filled and stretched wide by his cock and knot, a large part of her wanted it, even though he had been abusing her with it. Maybe she was crazy, or developing some kind of distorted need for him that captives tended to develop after being with their abusers for so long.

And why hadn't he continued questioning her? She had given him information that had surely piqued his curiosity. She hadn’t even answered his question about where the Omegas were located, and yet he didn’t continue to try and find out anything else. It confused her. What did he want? She did not ask him, in case he went back to torturing her. And she had no idea what she would do if he did. If he threatened to sodomize her again, she couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't speak. She was a coward. She had to accept that. She had been trained not to fear her own death, but the training that was supposed to help her face certain types of torture had been ineffective.

The more she considered it, the more she realized that she should be more focused on finding a way to kill herself. Now was the perfect time. Drocco only knew so much, but he didn't know enough to actually find the Omegas. She had told the Mothers in the note she had sent along with her findings that she would be taking a short break in Ricsdale before checking in with them again. Eventually, they would realize that she had been compromised and that everything that she knew could be told to the Emperor. They would have to take precautions. But it would be better if the Emperor did not actually know much, and she had to ensure that he didn’t force her into telling him any more.

One day, after Drocco had left, she tried to pull down the drapes across the window. She pulled and yanked them, but they held fast. She picked up a chair from the table and swung it against the window, but even though the chair was solid wood it did not break the window. She tried everything she could but nothing worked. She began punching the window as her anger and desperation reached its peak. She smashed her fist against it over and over, screaming with frustration that she had been stuck in this room for days on end. It was only when she saw blood on the glass that she realized that she was damaging herself.

Cradling her hand and feeling desperately sorry for herself, she crawled into her sheets and cried herself to sleep.

When Drocco returned and pulled her out of her sleeping place, he was furious.

"What the fuck did you think you were doing?" he bellowed, his entire body twitching with anger. "Do you think you can get through that glass? Do you think you’re going to get out of here unless I allow it? You will never leave, kitten. No one enters this room but me, and no one will leave this room but me."

Cailyn frowned, suddenly realizing something. “What about the servant that washed my hair and cleaned me up after my Haze?”

“I did that,” Drocco said, glaring at her. “So if you’re hoping for someone to come in and save you, don’t waste your energy.”

Cailyn didn't say anything. She barely looked at him as he continued yelling at her. It didn't matter what he said. She would keep trying to find a way to escape or kill herself, whichever option presented itself first. He applied the cream to her hand and bandaged it up.

Sometime later, while she ate at the table, Drocco began speaking unexpectedly.

"When is your next Haze?" he asked, from the couch where he watched her.

Cailyn hesitated at the sudden question. "What?"

"When is your next Haze?"

Cailyn frowned. "I don't know. I don't know how long ago the last one was. I can't tell time in this room."

"How regularly do you normally have it?"

Cailyn shrugged. "It is irregular."

Drocco leaned towards her. "I will caution you about lying to me, kitten. I know that Omegas are very regular with their Haze. Some as frequent as fortnightly, others every six months, but always regular."

Cailyn shot him a hard look. "I have been suppressing my Omega impulses with the Talent for years. My Haze has never been regular."

Zoey Ellis's Books