Crave To Conquer (Myth of Omega, #1)(28)

“I don’t know.”

He pushed the tip in roughly, and she yelled, the raw pain dampening her pleasure. She seemed to be sore all the way inside.

“I don’t know it,” she shrieked. “I don’t know it.”

He paused, stilling his hips. “Are you a spy for King Malloron?”

“No,” she breathed.

“Why are you here?”

“To look at your research.”


Cailyn quickly gained control of herself before she opened her mouth again. She squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her jaw, fighting against her fear and impulses. She was not in the Haze. There was no excuse for answering his questions. She had just promised herself she would protect her people and she would stick by that—even if it meant sexual torture. She opened her eyes and looked upon the savage that had her at her most vulnerable. Regardless of his obvious allure, he was the enemy.

He seemed to sense the change in her and a fierceness entered his gaze.

He slammed into her pussy, a coarse grunt escaping him. She cried out as pain exploded up inside her. She tensed everything, intending to push him away. He moaned and grabbed her hair, pulling her head back so her chest jutted out as he slammed in again, and again, building a hard, steady rhythm.

Cailyn struggled against him for a moment before realizing the pain had dulled. In fact, it had blended with the harsh pleasure flooding her body. She breathed heavily as she stared up at the canopy, trying to figure out why the sensation of being filled so completely and so roughly caused such carnal satisfaction. When a warm mouth closed over her breast, and a rough tongue lapped her nipple, she stopped caring. The feeling overwhelmed and intoxicated her, and soon it wasn’t enough.

Gripping Drocco’s scarred, muscled arms, she flicked her hips every time he sunk in, fucking him back. A low growl built up in his chest and it sent tingles to every part of her body. She moaned with every pound that jolted her, the wet slaps of their mating filling her ears as her pleasure spiraled.

He sucked her nipple harder as his rhythm increased and by the time he licked up her neck, an orgasm crashed into her, seizing her whole body in an intense explosion of brilliant ecstasy.

As she recovered, Drocco’s mouth pressed on her ear. “I haven’t yet heard you say no, kitten,” he sneered, before biting her earlobe. He hadn’t even paused his thrusts while she came and still gripped her hair, holding her head tilted upward. As she blinked lazily at the canopy, the tremor of another orgasm coiled within her but before she could get there, he came, jerking into her with throaty grunts punctuating each jerk of his hips.

On his last thrust, his knot slammed in, stretching her wide as he spilled inside her. As they calmed, Drocco released her hair, and she lifted her head to find his eyes blazing into her. “Who sent you?”

She pressed her lips together, simply staring at him.

“Tell me who sent you,” he ordered.

She looked away from him, toward the covered window.

Drocco placed his hands on her hips. He began to pull away from her, his knot pulling against the already sore muscles clamped onto it.

Cailyn snapped her head to look at him, her eyes wide in horror. “What the fuck are you doing?”

“Tell me who sent you,” he said calmly, pausing his movement. “Why are you interested in my research? Where are the other Omegas?”

Cailyn’s lip trembled, but she said nothing.

He moved again, pulling his hips back. “Last chance, kitten. Pick a question and answer it.”

When she didn’t answer, he began moving again.

Cailyn gritted her teeth as a severe pain tore into her, spreading from her pussy. She breathed deep, thinking of the Compound as the pain turned excruciating. Then she began to scream. It was unlike anything she had experienced before and when she thought it couldn’t get any worse, it hurdled to an extreme. He was ripping her apart!

“Tell me what I want to know,” Drocco said, harshly.

She screamed uncontrollably, squeezing her eyes and fists tight as he slowly forced his knot all the way out of her. His semen gushed out after him, stinging like hell as it escaped.

She dropped onto the bed sobbing, reeling in agony and curled up on the bed trying not to move. She was sure she was torn and bleeding, but without the Talent, she couldn’t heal.

Drocco moved around her, but she could barely register him. A dizziness swam in her mind and she felt close to passing out. After a few moments, he shifted her leg slightly, causing her to cry out. He pressed something cool on her pussy. Instantly the pain muted.

Cailyn froze, still sobbing while he applied whatever it was.

“Don’t touch it,” he said, before heading away from the bed. A moment afterward, the main door closed.

Lifting her leg, she looked down to see that he had smothered her in thick white cream that bubbled and fizzed on her skin. She couldn’t see any blood, or the extent of the damage, but could guess how bad it was.

She dropped back into a tight curl and prayed he wouldn’t fuck her again.


Of course, it was an unrealistic expectation. Within what felt like the next few hours he had returned and was rolling her onto her back.

Cailyn’s eyes flew open, and she struggled against him, kicking and punching as hard as she could. It barely made any difference. He clasped her wrists in one of his hands and pressed them securely against her stomach. She still tried kicking him, but he grabbed her neck with his other hand, and she immediately went limp. The pressure at her neck felt oddly settling.

Zoey Ellis's Books