Crave To Conquer (Myth of Omega, #1)(33)

Drocco got up, cursing furiously. "Why would you do that? Is spying so important to you that you would damage yourself for it?"

"I'm not damaging myself," Cailyn said, her voice low.

"Of course you are! The Haze is a natural part of your cycle. No wonder you are so disobedient, you are completely destroying your natural Omega impulses."

Cailyn shrugged. There was no point arguing with him. The man seemed to think that he knew everything about Omegas, even though he had no recent information. He wouldn't believe anything she said so there was no point in even conversing with him. Her energy was better spent trying to find a way out.

"It is likely that you went into your Haze because of Alpha pheromones," Drocco said, thoughtfully. "Maybe in the presence of your Alpha, your Haze will become more regular."

Cailyn snorted. "My Alpha? Do you intend to spread me around your army until you find him?"

Drocco stopped pacing and turned to her slowly. "I will not be sharing you with anyone."

Cailyn frowned. "So what are you talking about? Who is my Alpha?"

Drocco leaned over her, one hand on the back of her chair and the other on the table, his face close to hers. "I am your fucking Alpha."

Cailyn's eyes narrowed. "You are not. "

Drocco tensed. "What?"

“You’re not my Alpha!”

“Oh, I’m not?” Drocco straightened, looking down at her, the hint of a smirk on his face.

Cailyn glared at him. “Do you think you own me?”

Drocco grabbed her arm and pulled her up from the table. “Of course I own you, kitten.” He laughed. “Your naiveté is almost as sexy as your pointless attempts to avoid arousal.”

Cailyn gritted her teeth. He still thought of her as a plaything, a toy, a kitten. She thought she was his prisoner but it was much worse, of course. She tried to think of something to snap at him, but he was already lifting her up and carrying her to the bed.

“Do you really believe you don’t belong to me?” he asked, chuckling under his breath as he lay her down.

“Physically imprisoning me is not the same as being my Alpha, Emperor,” Cailyn said, hotly. “You know an Omega gets to choose her bonded mate. I have to willingly give that title. You cannot just claim it!”

“Then tell me I’m your Alpha,” he said, his voice suddenly hard.

“You are not!”

His eyes narrowed. “Tell me!”

“No!” It was the only bit of control Omegas had. She would not give it up—she did not care what he did. He lifted her arms above her head and clasped her wrists together in one hand. A twinge of panic coiled in Cailyn’s stomach at the sudden restraint but she kept her mouth shut.

Drocco lowered to kiss her neck and she shivered, goosebumps prickling over her whole body as she breathed him in. He bit the base of her neck and licked across her chest and down between her breasts.

“You think I am not your Alpha?” he murmured. He captured a nipple in his mouth and sucked, working it hard with his mouth as his rough tongue brushed it.

Cailyn moaned and arched her chest up to him, her whole body tingling.

He released her breast with a pop and nibbled down her stomach. “That feeling,” he said, “is your body reacting to your Alpha, kitten.”

Cailyn mumbled but he was already pressing his face into her sex, breathing her in.

“You smell so good,” he mumbled. He licked the length of her slit slowly. “Your pussy belongs to me, your slick comes to me when I want it, every inch of this incredible body is mine.” He suckled her clit, releasing her wrists and positioning himself between her legs.

Cailyn watched him, becoming drunk on the high he always caused.

He lifted his head. “Tell me I am your Alpha.”

“No,” she breathed.

“No?” He dipped his tongue back to her pussy and pushed it into her.

Cailyn whined and rotated her hips. It was the first penetration she’d had in a long time, and she realized that she’d always craved it. And then it was gone.

She glanced down, annoyed. Drocco had lifted his head and was looking at her.

“I am your Alpha. Say it.”

Cailyn tucked her feet under her hips and lifted them, rising up to his mouth. Drocco laughed.

He leaned in and sucked her, his eyes alive with mirth.

Cailyn whimpered, spreading her knees wider as her orgasm approached. The man surely had a talented tongue.

Then he stopped again. “Tell me I am your Alpha, kitten.”

Cailyn cursed, a sudden anger gripping her at his lack of attention to her pussy. “Why do you want me to say it? You despise me! Why would you want me to be your bonded mate?”

Drocco’s head tilted. “You think I despise you?”

“It is well known you hate spies and you hate the Talent,” Cailyn responded, dropping her hips back to the bed. “You are only enamored with me because I am an Omega. It doesn’t make us bonded mates.”

“You don’t think I wanted to fuck you before I knew you were an Omega?” Drocco asked.

“Of course you did. You fuck every female you come across. That is well known too.”

Drocco’s grin widened. “Does that annoy you, kitten?”

“Of course not,” Cailyn snapped, though a wild anger swept through her. “It is just yet another example of why we cannot be bonded mates.”

Zoey Ellis's Books