Crave To Conquer (Myth of Omega, #1)(37)

“Over time, they become crazy. Their lifespan is shortened and they lose their sense of everything that makes them an Alpha.”

“Does the same thing happen in reverse?”

“No,” the keeper said, shaking his head. “Omegas can deal better with the Alpha’s emotions, though it is more satisfying for the Alpha if he returns the bite.”

A silence fell over the room as Drocco considered what the keeper said. Biting Cailyn first was completely out of the question. He had to make her bite him first. “What about in her Haze? Will an Omega soul-bond during her Haze?”

“It is unlikely,” the keeper said. “During the Haze, her primary goal is to mate and breed. The idea of blood in her mouth is highly unappealing.”

Drocco exhaled, thinking deeply again. There had to be a way to force her to accept him.

“Does she nest?” the keeper asked, after a long moment.

“For herself.”

The keeper frowned. “What do you mean?”

“She has formed a mock nest but it’s for her alone, not for both of us.”

The keeper crossed his arms, chewing his lip as he thought deeper. “Have you tried to enter it?”

“No,” Drocco said, tersely. It annoyed him that he had allowed her the comfort of her pseudo nest and she hadn’t even recognized the kindness. “I fear it’s the only place she feels safe to sleep, and I need her rested for the typical questioning.”

“Typical questioning?”

Drocco nodded. “She takes it well but I know her suffering isn’t good for our future connection.”

“Suffering?” The head keeper’s eyes widened. “She is hurt during the questioning?”

“Of course.”

“You cause her pain?”

Drocco shot the man a hard look. “Until she answers my questions, she is hurt repeatedly and continuously. It is the way of the Lox.”

The head keeper gasped and paled.

Drocco slowed his pacing, turning to watch the man’s reaction. He looked utterly horrified. He swayed on his feet and then clung to the back of the chair before him for support. “What is it?” Drocco asked.

“I thought you were looking to bond with this Omega. I didn’t realize she was a prisoner. I apologize for my assumption.”

“No, your assumption is correct,” Drocco said. “She will be my mate.”

The keeper took a deep breath, averting his eyes from Drocco.

“What is it!” Drocco barked.

“It’s just… I… I’m not sure…”

“Speak plainly,” Drocco ordered. “I have no use for people who cannot speak when needed.”

The man got a hold of himself and steadied his stance, dropping his arms to his sides. “Emperor. Your treatment of your Omega may have forever damaged your connection with her.”

Drocco growled and clenched his fists, a horrible feeling blooming in his stomach.

The man pressed on. “The Alpha/Omega connection is a delicate one. Although hormones may attract you to one another, there is more that needs to happen for a connection to flourish into the potential for a bond connection.”

“Like what?”

“Omegas are certainly submissive and eager to please in their Haze, but they have their own personalities. Our records indicate Omegas have worked in politics, trade, the arts, and the sciences. They are generally intelligent and capable of many feats when their Haze isn’t upon them. An Omega needs to feel safe with her Alpha, and once she does, she will tend to try and please him. The most successful relationships I have read about have been where the Omega is completely free of fear. This is highly important. This is what sometimes decides how an Omega chooses her Alpha. They are so vulnerable to everyone that they will be reluctant to let go of an Alpha who makes them feel safe.”

Drocco stared at him. “I have not read this anywhere. And you know I have extensive records.”

The keeper nodded. “Yes, but I fear you have collected records from Alphas, your Imperial Majesty. Alphas would not record the things that are important to Omegas, only to themselves.” His face dropped. “I mean no disrespect, Emperor,” he added, quickly. “It’s just we have more impartial records, even excerpts from Omega diaries.”

Drocco waved away his apology, and he began pacing again in deep thought. Cailyn had always felt fear from him. That was what he had thrived on—it was what he had always thrived on, from everyone. “How do I correct it?” he asked. “How do I get her to feel like I am her Alpha?”

The keeper peered at him. “What is more important to you; your connection with her or finding the other Omegas?”

Drocco stilled again. “Why do I have to choose?”

“Your next steps will be dependent on that decision,” the keeper said. “You can continue treating her like a prisoner and you may succeed in getting the information you want, but your connection with her will greatly suffer. I highly doubt you will be able to repair it.”

Drocco clenched his teeth. “Or?”

“Or you could work on your connection and make her feel comfortable enough to open up to you.”

Drocco stared out of the window as he worked his jaw. He would not be waiting around for her to open up to him, but he needed to ensure their connection was not lost.

Zoey Ellis's Books