Crave To Conquer (Myth of Omega, #1)(34)

Drocco lifted his chin. “Why?”

“You are insatiable. And when you get bored, you discard the women you have been with to find another. The man I would choose for my Alpha would not behave that way. He wouldn’t abuse me the way that you do. My Alpha is still somewhere out there; you’re not him."

Drocco growled, and the sound vibrated through her body. “You have driven me to treat you the way I have,” Drocco said harshly. “It will not always be like this. You already know my opinion about Omegas and the Alpha/Omega connection.”

“Yes. You believe your Omega should serve you.” Cailyn said, her dark mood beginning to deepen. “You believe you are justified in that thought because you can physically dominate any Omega that disobeys you.” She looked up at him. “You know nothing about real Omegas, Emperor. You think we are all virginal submissives with no thoughts in our heads other than to breed for Alphas.”

Drocco stilled. “Were you not a virgin?”

Cailyn almost rolled her eyes. That was the only thing he seemed to have heard. It was hopeless talking to him. “Does it matter?” she said, shrugging and sitting up.

“Yes,” Drocco barked. “How many men have you fucked?”

“How many women have you fucked?” she shot back, tired of his demands. For a moment it had seemed he was capable of having a real conversation with her, and then suddenly it had turned into a display of his domination and ego.

“Don’t play with me, kitten,” Drocco said, his fists clenching. “I want to know who has been with you. Their names and locations.”

He seemed to think they were destined to be some kind of great love, destined to be mates, even though she was his prisoner. Surely he couldn’t be that deluded. Cailyn glared at him, her fury rising. Maybe she needed to strongly discourage him. “There have been many, many men before you. And there will be many men after you. I will fuck every single Alpha and Beta I find, and I’ll love it, Emperor. You and your cock will be a distant memory and I’ll never give you another thought because you are not my Alpha!”

A tight pressure locked around her neck, and a hard jolt hit her back before she could register what had happened. Drocco’s face swam in front of her. She had somehow moved from the bed to against the wall and his enormous hand pressed in around her neck pinning her to it.

“I’m the only man you will ever fuck from this moment on!” Drocco roared. “I will not share you. Ever! You will never have an opportunity to fuck anyone else.” His hand tightened around her neck as he leaned in, growling. “No other man alive should have had what I own. You will tell me who they are and where they are, and then you will declare me your Alpha!”

A pressure built up in Cailyn’s head and she began to feel light-headed. She fought against him for a moment before realizing he was strangling her. This was her way out. It was the perfect solution.

She dropped her hands to her sides as the uncomfortable feeling turned unbearable. Her ears began to ring, and she couldn’t hear anything he said but he still ranted in a vicious fury. She watched him, unable to help admiring the complete, fierce, beauty that he was, as everything fell dark.



Drocco stormed into the training grounds in a frenzy. He had almost killed her. His own future mate! She had infuriated him to the point of such anger, he had forgotten his own strength. She was so small, she wouldn’t have survived if he had squeezed her throat much longer.

He grabbed his double-ended, multi-blade sword and his favorite double-sided battle axe before heading toward the grounds.

The healer that had examined and treated her said she would recover to full strength within a few hours with treatment, sleep, and minimal distress, but that didn’t appease him. He had caused it, and the idea of that cut him deep. He had lost control, which he hated, and nearly lost the one thing he was desperate to keep. What if he did it again?

Torin saw him coming and sent the warriors he was training away before Drocco arrived.

“No, Drocco,” he called as he approached. “They are here for training, not for you to take your frustrations out on them again.”

Drocco roared and swung his axe. It dropped with a heavy clang on Torin’s shield.

Torin darted back. “Drocco! Calm down.”

“I want to train!” Drocco bellowed, twisting his sword above his head before slicing it toward Torin. Torin danced out of the way, spun around, and jabbed at Drocco with his sword. Drocco dodged and parried with his sword.

“Stop Drocco,” Torin said, harshly. “You have no shield and you are too angry for training.”

“I am the Emperor, I train whenever I want!”

“Yes, you are the Emperor.” Torin lowered his shield and his sword, leaving himself dangerously vulnerable. “Do you want your men to see you like this? You want them to see you so out of control after all the success you have achieved for finding an Omega?”

Drocco froze, his chest heaving. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the warriors Torin had sent off gathering at the edge of the grounds.

The entire Empire had rejoiced upon hearing that Drocco had an Omega in the Palace. Many had detected Cailyn’s scent lingering in the Great Hall, and more had reveled in her scent after she had been taken from the office where she’d had her Haze. The word had spread quickly, and soon many territories and cities that had been previously reluctant to join the Lox, were swearing fealty, sending the heads of their family members as proof of their loyalty.

Zoey Ellis's Books