Crave To Conquer (Myth of Omega, #1)(31)

After the silence stretched longer than she could bear, she peeked out of her cocoon. The room seemed empty. Her eyes swept the room again, and she noticed the enormous mass on the bed. Surprised, she lifted the sheet over her head and slowly climbed out, wincing at the pain that still hurt her ass. Drocco lay on the bed, his breathing steady, and as she stepped closer she realized his eyes were closed. He was sleeping.

For a moment, she didn't know what to do, and then her training kicked in. She tiptoed to the door trying it, but of course, it was locked. She checked the clothes he had discarded by the bed, but they held no keys or any useful items of any kind. On the table was only a few tubs of the cream he used regularly to heal her but nothing else. She continued to tiptoe around the room, checking if anything had changed that would allow her to escape, but nothing had. There was still no way out.

She stood staring at him lying peacefully, wondering if there was a way to kill him to ensure his death. But without the Talent, and without her blocks, she was useless. If she tried and failed, her life would be even more unbearable, and if she succeeded, how would she get out of the Palace? A plan like that required careful thought. She didn’t even know for certain that he was the reason she couldn’t use the Talent—something else could be wrong. What if she managed to escape and still didn’t have the Talent? Every Alpha she came into contact with would smell her. The good thing was, if he was now sleeping in the room, it gave her options to find a way to kill him or escape in the future.

She crept back to her makeshift bed and settled in. It took her a while to get to sleep with him in the room, but eventually, exhaustion overcame her.

When she woke, Drocco had gone. She slept again, this time more peacefully now that he wasn’t in the room. When she woke again, a platter of food sat on the table by the door, but Drocco wasn’t there. He didn't return for hours and Cailyn began to feel nervous about his absence. What if he was mobilizing his army to seek out the Omegas? What if he was sourcing some kind of torturous equipment to use on her? She just didn't know.

Long hours seemed to pass by. Food and water appeared on the table when she slept, but Drocco didn’t return. The depression around her situation pressed in on her, and she began to wonder if she had become more of a liability to her people than a help. There was a protocol that would allow an Omega to kill herself if the situation became dire—Cailyn considered whether she had arrived at that point. Suicide was deemed a highly heinous act considering how precious every single Omega life was. However, if she was endangering them all, then the protocol had to apply, didn’t it? She had once been sure she could eventually find a way out, but what if she didn’t? She had already revealed information she shouldn’t have. However, after surveying the room, there seemed to be nothing that would help her to complete that task anyway. Even the sheets she slept in could not be tied to anything to make a noose. Her head spinning, she lay down to sleep.

She woke to a hand gripping her calf and dragging her out of her cocoon of sheets. Drocco lifted her up and carried her to the bed.

She lay there, her depression seeping into her even further as she realized that her suffering had not yet ended. She had fully healed now, but wouldn't remain so for long.

Drocco leaned over her, his hands on either side of her, caging her in. She didn’t look up at him, keeping her head turned to one side. His scent surrounded her, drawing forth that damn slick. Her body worked against her at every turn. She never thought that she would hate being an Omega, but her reaction to her captor was ridiculous. She now had a first-hand understanding of why the Mothers had removed themselves and all other Omegas from the main population. Alphas were sick fucking bastards, and Omegas were attracted to them nonetheless.

Drocco dropped onto his elbows and pressed his nose into the crook of her neck. He took a breath in and ran his nose up to a spot behind her ear. Cailyn frowned at the action. He had never started that way before. When he licked her there, dragging his teeth over the skin, she couldn’t help but shiver.

He took his time to kiss and lick her all the way down to her breasts. Taking a nipple in his mouth, he sucked and nibbled until she gasped, her pussy clenching as the pleasure fluttered through her. He moved to the other, running his rough palm over her stomach and tugging on the nipple he had just released. As he became rougher, pleasure zinged through her every pore, and she surrendered to the feeling, eager to escape her depression. If she could discard the guilt, even for just a few moments, she would take it. The pain would no doubt come later, but for now, she would enjoy what she could.

Drocco ran his hands across her body, pressing his fingers into her limbs, massaging them and relieving stress that she didn't even know she had. His fingers slipped between her legs and he pressed them into her drenched slit, rubbing circles over her clit.

Cailyn moaned, rotating her hips to meet his fingers.

His mouth made its way down her stomach to her mound, where he licked and sucked before his tongue dipped into her slit. He took his time running his tongue along her lips, groaning into her like a man savoring a rare delicacy. She tried to ignore him as best she could, but every sound that came out of him turned her on and heightened her pleasure. He licked and sucked every area of her pussy and then zeroed in on her clit, dragging his tongue across it and flicking her gently. She ground her hips into his face as he suckled on her, his tongue dabbing and swirling in the most delicious ways as her orgasm rose rapidly. When she came, he held her hips as she bucked against him, keeping his mouth on her until she calmed, her clit throbbing.

Zoey Ellis's Books