Crave To Conquer (Myth of Omega, #1)(27)

His calm manner disturbed her. “I was not aiming to entertain you.”

“You were aiming to deceive me!” he bellowed suddenly.

Cailyn jumped but discarded her fear almost as soon as it rose.

The Emperor’s eyes blazed. “You are aware that I do not tolerate traitors?”

“I never swore loyalty to you.”

The Emperor thundered towards her, and Cailyn forced herself to hold her ground. He grabbed the sheet around her and ripped it away.

Cailyn didn’t bother to react. She was barely holding out against the scent that swept in around her. Her nipples hardened and slick was already gathering between her legs, even though she was sore.

Drocco snarled as the last of the sheet left her. He grabbed her hair and yanked her head back, his face close to hers. “You lied constantly about who and what you are.”

“And you raped me,” she said evenly. “So I guess we are even.”

His eyes narrowed. “Rape?” The distaste on his face surprised her somewhat. “You think you can plead to be fucked, offer me your pussy and your mouth for days, slam that tight hole up onto my knot and then cry rape?”

His words sent a tingly shiver down her spine and slick began to drip down her thighs, but her mind still worked, even if her body was lost to her. “That was hormones,” she said, through gritted teeth. “Instincts and hormones. I wasn’t sane or in my right mind.”

Drocco made a noise of displeasure at the back of his throat. “Are you sane now?” His voice lowered. “Because I can smell the release of your slick and I haven't even touched you yet.”

“Hormones,” she said, breathier than she intended.

They glared at each other, a crackle of electricity shooting through Cailyn at the feel of his eyes roaming over her. His face contorted and he threw her by her hair onto the bed. She landed on her back and began to scramble away from him.

“Be still,” he ordered.

She froze, and a part of her relaxed. It was easier on her emotionally to just follow his demands, but too much was at stake—she had to ignore the part of her that wanted to simply submit. Cailyn had never been one to take the easy route anyway.

“Open your legs,” he demanded, undoing his pants.

Her legs were already half open before he finished speaking. She slammed them shut again, scrunching her lips together. All she had to do was focus.

Drocco’s gaze intensified on her as he pulled off his shirt. “You fight your instincts.”

She glared at him. She couldn’t stop him from overpowering her, but she could try to make it as hard for him as possible. Since he wanted a submissive, it wouldn’t please him.

However, once naked, the smell of him besieged her, making her almost dizzy with desire for him. His tanned bulk of a body was the epitome of a warrior—hard muscles bunched along his shoulders and down his arms, cut across his chest, his stomach—everywhere. Accompanying them were numerous scars that documented his success in battle, marking him a successful warrior. His cock stood up, a thick and long column jutted out for her. Memories of it inside her swam in her mind and a warmth agitated her body.

She wanted to be repulsed by everything about him—his rugged look, the potency of his Alpha stench, the violence signified by every mark on his body—but as an Omega, she had to appreciate that he was an incredibly handsome Alpha, and no amount of mental self-persuasion could convince her that his scent was anything other than enticingly delicious. Everything about him magnified her desire for him.

Drocco stroked himself, his enormous fist working up and down that magnificent cock, and a smirk spread slowly across his face.

Cailyn started, shocked as she realized she was somehow suddenly spread before him, her knees as far as they could go, her slick trickling onto the bed.

Drocco advanced, his black eyes triumphant. “Are you saying no, kitten?” he growled.

Cailyn swallowed the automatic answer that came to her lips, the one pushed forward by her Omega instincts to tell him to fuck and knot her until she was near enough blind. She cursed inwardly that she didn’t even have the willpower to close her legs.

He stopped by the bed looking down at her, his eyes tracking down her body and all she could do was stare back. “Never cover yourself in this room,” he ordered. “I want to see your body at all times.”

She didn’t answer and he reached for her, grabbing her hips and dragging her to the edge of the bed. She kept herself upright, her hands behind her to take her weight. She would not lie down before him.

“I’m sore,” she said, evenly.

His eyes glittered. “I know.”

Once her hips were at the edge, her legs still wide for him, Drocco ran a hand up across her stomach, over her breasts and pinched her nipples. She bit back a moan at the feel of his hands on her, sending goosebumps all over her. She gasped when he began tapping the head of his engorged cock on her clit. She melted into the sparks of sweet pleasure, sighing at the relief of not having to fight against her nature anymore.

"What is your name?" His voice was low.


"Cailyn what?"

She didn't say anything. She couldn't.

His mushroomed tip pressed against her bruised opening, and suddenly she was alert.

“What is your family name?” he asked.

Zoey Ellis's Books