Crave To Conquer (Myth of Omega, #1)(25)

"Take it, kitten," Drocco muttered, his breath jagged. "Take all of it."

She wriggled and ran a hand across his chest, mumbling something to herself that included the word “Alpha”, her eyes half-lidded. He continued pressing forward, and she whimpered until he was all the way in. He forced himself to hold still to give her time to stretch for him. Her wriggling sparked incredible sensations that shot through his cock, and although a hot desperation rose to pound into her, he also wanted to savor the moment. He was the first Alpha to experience an Omega in the last one hundred and eleven years. Even in the midst of his rut, that thought seared through his mind.

He began to move slowly inside her, leaning his weight onto his hands either side of her head and grunting at the feel of her tight, wet slickness around him. Cailyn sucked in air and arched her back, her eyes rolling in her head as he sunk deeper, her whole body twitching underneath him. He worked in and out gradually getting faster as her slick gathered in a frothy mess at the base of his cock. She cried out, her pussy squeezing him as she grabbed his wrists and jerked her hips up to his, encasing him further. At that, he lost control. Twisting and jerking his hips, he slammed, and pounded, and drove into her furiously, intoxicated by her scent and the glorious feel of her. He reveled in all of her—her breathy moans, her fingers curling around his thick wrists, and the utter ecstasy on her face. He lost himself—so much so that when she screamed out in orgasmic bliss, her muscles contracting around him, he came so hard it overwhelmed him—his every pore so engulfed by uniquely delicious sensations and the potent scent of her that the orgasm tore through him, scratching out all thought from his head.

When he finally came back to his senses, he lay on top of her panting, crushing her into the ground as he still spurted inside her. He pushed up to his elbows and looked down at their joining. Her swollen, red pussy lips stretched around his knot—the enlarged base of his cock—securely lodged inside her, locking them together.

Drocco had never been the type of Alpha that could knot with Betas. Grandfather had told him repeatedly that true Alphas only knot with Omegas, and it seemed like that was true. The closest he’d gotten was a slight swelling with a Beta who had hidden that she was on a Haze recreator. He had never had a knot of this size and had never felt such pleasure at being encased so securely by a pussy so tight. He glanced up at Cailyn. She had fallen back asleep. He took a fistful of her hair, and let it run through his fingers. He licked her neck and sucked on it, enjoying the salty taste of her. He lifted her eyelids. The gold was almost gone. It was likely she would not be pregnant from this mating, and even though that was disappointing, it had to be done.

She began to get restless the longer the knot remained inside her, stretching her wide.

Winding a thick arm around her small waist, he carefully maneuvered them to an upright sitting position and lay her head on his chest, stroking her back until she settled.

Drocco stared down at her as she pressed her cheek to his chest. He had no idea who this woman was, where she came from, or what the hell she was doing in his Palace, but her fate had been decided. She came to work for him under false pretenses, but it was clear that she was supposed to belong to him and there was no doubt now that she did. The problem was, she had revealed herself to be a traitorous deceiver. That had to be rectified immediately. He had to retrain her just for him and discover all the secrets that surrounded her existence. She would learn to be loyal and faithful to him—he would make sure of it.



Cailyn’s consciousness returned in slow waves.

Everything ached, and she groaned as the pain registered. She worked her jaw, trying to lubricate her dry mouth. Victoya should have been keeping her properly hydrated, but judging from her protesting limbs, it seemed the Haze had been more intense than normal this time.

Cailyn rolled over on the bed and cried out as a sharp, unfamiliar pain shot up between her legs. Her eyes flew open and she sat up carefully, her heart sinking as she looked around.

An enormous bed stretched all around her and at each corner, a thick bedpost rose up high to connect with a golden canopy overhead. Surrounding the bed was a lavish room. Thick, deep, umber carpet covered the floor and the walls were patterned with intricate decoration, color-coordinated in reds, browns, gold, and cream. Two burgundy couches sat on one side of the room, and next to them an engraved mahogany table with matching chairs. Mats, rugs, and floor cushions littered one corner of the room, where a heavy dark curtain hung along one whole wall. Soft, ivory light poured from circular orbs in the ceiling and walls. Nothing looked familiar.

Cailyn tried to keep a hold of her panic. Moving slowly, she shifted to the edge of the bed and slipped her legs over the side. Pushing herself upright she stilled, thinking back to what she could remember. It took a few minutes, as it always did, but soon the fragmented memories aligned in her mind.

Emperor Drocco.

She had created a barrier so he wouldn't get to her. She gritted her teeth. Judging by the pain between her legs, the fact she was naked, and the standard of the room around her, that had not worked. The barrier had been strong, created by his own blood. How the hell had he gotten through it?

She shook her head. That didn’t matter right now. She had to get out immediately. Focusing her mind, she drew on the Talent to recreate her blocks. Nothing happened. She tried again, forcing her breathing to calm and her mind to clear. Nothing. She couldn’t feel any magic in the air at all. Shit!

Zoey Ellis's Books