Crave To Conquer (Myth of Omega, #1)(30)

Drocco visibly bristled. "Alphas do not kill Omegas, it is Betas who are at fault for that."

"Betas have never had any reason to kill Omegas. It is Alphas that take their pleasure however they want."

Drocco snarled at her. "Alphas have no reason to take anything, Omegas willingly give."

"I have not willingly given you anything," Cailyn said, her eyes blazing. "You take it anyway."

“Are you saying you do not give yourself to me?” Drocco asked, his tone dangerous. “Are you saying I am misreading your scent, and your slick, and your greedy little thrusts to fuck me harder?”

“I don’t give myself only to be tortured,” Cailyn said, sharply. “You think a Beta would do that?”

Drocco's nostrils flared, but she was too angry to register the sign.

"You think Betas could have destroyed Omegas to the death rate recorded over a hundred years ago while Alphas sat back and did nothing? Do you think Alphas would have let Betas destroy their fuck toys? No. It was the Alphas killing us. Betas couldn’t stop them."

"No!" Drocco bellowed. "You lie. All Alphas cherished their Omegas. They viewed them as precious and something to be looked after, and cared for. You are twisting it because you’re a fucking spy!"

Cailyn shifted herself so she was sitting with her legs in front of her. "All right. If that's true, continue to cherish me, Emperor," she said, spreading her legs open wide. “Have me come on your knot only to rip me open. Oh, how lucky I am to be cared for!”

Drocco exploded in anger. His roar shuddered through her, and she jumped as he grabbed at the sheets and duvet to get to her. She scrambled backward but he caught her leg and dragged her to him. Flipping her around he pressed her head into the bed and lifted up her hips, propping her on her knees.

"Do you think this couldn't be worse, kitten?" he boomed. He ran the tip of his cock along her ass crack.

She gasped into the bed and fought against him trying to escape, but he held her too tightly.

"Do you think I wouldn't fuck you here," he said, pressing his massive cock on her asshole, "and knot you? How do you think your ass would feel if I tore that open repeatedly? And then tore open your pussy?”

"No," Cailyn yelled, her voice muffled into the bed. True fear bloomed in her for the first time. Omega females were not made for penetration in their asses like Omega males. Many of the deaths reported sodomization as the starting point for unrecoverable internal trauma and infection in her kind. Maybe not if it had been Betas, but Alphas were huge and Drocco was larger than most. She wouldn’t survive it. "No, please don’t!"

"I have no incentive to stop," Drocco threatened, his tip pressing harder until it entered.

Cailyn cried out, thrashing against him but unable to escape the new pain piercing her.

"Tell me what I want to know!"

"I’m from the Eastern Lands," Cailyn blurted out. She began to cry. "I grew up in Cillford. My family were farmers who worked on the land, but I don’t remember them."

The Alpha holding her in place was silent for a moment. "The Omegas?"

"They’re safe. And mostly together. They were not taken. They chose to leave society." Cailyn sobbed harder at what she had just revealed. No one—absolutely no one alive who wasn't an Omega—knew that information. And she had just given it to the worst Alpha known to the Eastern Lands.


Sobbing so hard with her face pressed into the bed made it difficult for Cailyn to answer. "Abusive Alphas" was all she could manage.

Drocco yanked her head to the side. “Stop crying!”

She pressed her mouth closed and tried to stop, her body jerking as she wept.

“How were the Alphas abusive?”

“They would fuck and knot girls of twelve who’s dynamic had only just been discovered,” she stuttered out, heaving. “Most of the girls died from internal bleeding and rough treatment. The Alphas would also share an Omega in her Haze with multiple Alphas. Over time, these Omegas became shells of what they once were, used only for breeding and abuse. Many of them began to die in childbirth—the child would not survive either. This treatment was widespread across all the known Lands. The entire Omega population was under threat. They chose to leave.”

When she finished speaking there was a silence.

Drocco pulled his tip out and his hands left her. She curled up onto the bed, sobbing with her head tucked into her chest. After a few long moments, the door shut.


When the door opened again, Cailyn was curled up surrounded by her stack of sheets and duvets in the corner. A dark depression had taken hold of her and she had cried until she could no longer squeeze out another tear. After all of her righteous intentions, she had told the enemy sacred information at the first sign of real permanent damage to herself. What kind of spy was she? What had happened to all her training, all the accolades of her achievements for the hidden Omega population? She was the first Omega to reveal them. That’s what she was. That’s what she’ll be remembered for, if there was anyone left to remember her by the time Drocco finished with them.

She listened, waiting for Drocco's wide hand to reach into the blankets surrounding her and pull her out. There was shuffling, and then nothing. She waited, breathing shallowly. Drocco never made much noise when he walked on the thick carpet. He could be a foot away from her, waiting to yank her out and she wouldn't know it.

Zoey Ellis's Books