Out of Breath (Breathing, #3)(33)

I barely made it into the water that day. Cole spent most of the time showing me techniques on the sand before he would allow me to take a board in the ocean. When we finally did get in the water, it was all about how to lie and sit on the board, along with instructions on how to paddle at the right time to catch the wave. He wouldn’t let me even attempt to stand at all that day. But the ‘predictable’ piqued my interest, so I agreed to do it again the following day.

When Peyton called me that night to arrange a time to pick me up, I shut myself in the spare bedroom and told her that she could spend the week with Tom. I played it off like I was doing her a huge favour. I tried to sound bored and disinterested when she asked how Cole and I were getting along. I knew it wasn’t the right decision. But I wasn’t able to walk away. Not yet.

Cole would teach me to surf in the calmer waves for a few hours each morning, and I’d insist afterwards that he go where he usually surfed so he could get some riding in. By the third day, I was able to pop up and keep my balance for … not very long.

We’d spend the afternoons working on the puzzle, reading or I’d go for a run. Then each night, I’d lie next to him on top of the blanket. Before he’d close his eyes, he’d rest his hand on my side, over my tattoo, like he could hold my words in his hand. Every so often, he’d trace the outline of it with his fingers, branding me with the charge of his touch. The sparks it created flickered light back into the darkness. I did all I could to hold on to the tingling after he’d pulled his hand away.

Once he was in the depths of sleep, I’d slip away to the spare room. I never woke next to him after that first night. It was my way of staving off the guilt. Too bad it didn’t work. I should have walked away.

Cole never questioned my retreat each night. And he didn’t attempt to kiss me again.

‘You were pretty good today.’ We were pulling into the driveway after spending most of the day in the water. ‘Don’t be so hard on yourself; it takes a lot of practice.’

‘I see how much more intense it can be when I watch you and the other guys. And I just want to be there already.’

‘Patience,’ he advised. ‘Or do you know what that is?’

‘Oh, you’re hilarious,’ I said, making him laugh.

‘Emma!’ Peyton called, when I stepped out of the car. I turned to watch her approach from the walkway, with Tom a step behind. ‘Where’d you guys go? We stopped by earlier, but you weren’t here.’


‘You’re teaching her how to surf?’ Tom asked. Cole nodded, unstrapping the boards from the roof of his SUV.

I noted Peyton’s bronzed skin. She was determined to return from break with a tan – despite the cool weather.

‘We wanted to see if you were up for going out tonight, since it’s our last night here. There’s a party on a private beach near my place.’

‘Sure.’ I shrugged indifferently.

Tom glanced over at Cole, who nodded in acceptance.

They followed us into the house.

‘So, you’ve been surfing and … putting together a puzzle,’ Tom observed in bewilderment, sitting down in the chair. ‘Sounds exciting.’

‘I’m going to shower,’ I announced. Peyton followed me into the spare bedroom.

‘So … you two are getting along really well,’ she sang, a knowing smile creeping across her face.

‘It’s not what you think,’ I huffed, pulling clothes from my duffle bag.

‘Then what is it?’

‘We get along,’ I responded flatly.

‘I’m sure you do,’ she said with a gleam. I rolled my eyes and entered the bathroom, shutting out Peyton and her obnoxious smile.

The party was crowded, loud and a shock to my system after the quiet week I’d had. After I’d been bumped into one too many times, Cole looked to me and asked, ‘Wanna go for a walk?’

‘Yes,’ I answered without hesitation.

We followed the edge of the surf away from the rowdiness and loud music. This was it. Our last night. And neither of us had the nerve to talk about it.

Cole’s arm brushed against mine, and I shivered. I could’ve sworn I saw a spark. He stopped suddenly, like he’d felt it too.

‘Wanna sit?’ he proposed. I could only nod.

Sitting there in the stillness, I allowed my shoulders to relax. Silence enveloped us in a comforting embrace.

‘Do you ever get the urge to get in your car and just keep driving?’ I asked, focused on the water shimmering in the light of the moon.

‘How would you know when to stop?’ Cole challenged, sitting next to me so our arms barely touched.

‘I guess when you find something worth stopping for,’ I answered, acutely aware of the heat swirling between our skin.

‘I wonder how far you’d travel before that happened,’ Cole pondered. Then asked, ‘Why do you do the things on your list, especially since you don’t really have one?’

I smiled lightly before giving serious consideration to his question. ‘So that I know I’m alive.’

‘You’re the most alive person I’ve ever met,’ he replied softly. I turned my head up to find that he was intently focused on me.

The flickering of the dim light in his eyes drew me in. The charged hum between us intensified, and my chest rose with an exaggerated breath, drawing it in.

Rebecca Donovan's Books