Fire In His Eyes (Secrets & Seduction #1)(32)

Victor seemed nervous when we got back to the hotel, and it made me a little nervous, too. He was probably worried about my reaction, I told myself, and not by what might be in the trunk? I excused myself to go freshen up and give him some time as well. I rummaged through my bag, and retrieved the one piece white, almost see through satin chemise with matching lace panties I had selected for the night and made my way to the bathroom. He stopped me as I passed him, and pulled me in for a quick kiss, and said, “Don’t be afraid. I won’t hurt you. I just want to please you.” His eyes searched mine.

“I believe you,” I whispered the words as I pulled away. In the bathroom, I brushed my hair out until it shone and shimmered like gossamer, and brushed my teeth. I stripped and I used one of the hotel washcloths to freshen up my arms, face, and legs. Then I applied my lotion smoothing and massaging it all in, before I put on the little nightie. It was a simple piece, virginal almost. I had bought it last week, knowing Victor would like it because of its innocence and because he liked me in white as it contrasted well with my skin tone.

When I came out of the bathroom, he had on a nice pair of form fitting black boxer briefs. He looked like an Adonis to me, with his chiseled chest, and the glow from today’s tanning revealing every ripple in his chest and arms. “You are so ravishing in white, Monica.” He crossed the room to me, and swept me into his arms swinging my legs over one arm and supporting my back with the other.

“Thank you,” I whispered, and then his lips claimed mine greedily. It was intense, and needy, and demanding of a response. I was breathless when it ended and he put me back on my feet in front of the small silver trunk he had placed on the small table in the room.

I looked up at him. There was hesitation in his eyes. “Show me,” I said.

He slowly unlocked and opened the box, but didn’t look down. He watched me instead. Intensely.

I looked down. He had an assortment of dildos and vibrators; some were really long. I touched one. It must have been eighteen inches. “This most certainly doesn’t go in all the way,” I stated.

“No,” he laughed. “It doesn’t.”

I looked through the dildos, and picked up one vibrator that was his size and had an attachment that I supposed could reach and stimulate the clitoris. I examined it and then handed it to him. ‘This one,” he laughed and at my nod he set it on the bed behind us. He lifted the box higher so another level appeared. In that level was an assortment of clips and clamps. Some had beads on them, feathers, and jewels.

I said, “Your turn. You pick.” He chose two clamps with jewels adorning them and chain that connected the two together. Those he placed onto the bed as well. Next, he lifted the lid higher to reveal a third row. Here were lotions, Vaseline, a couple of strings with marbles on them, some odd shaped dildos that I later learned were plugs, a whip, and a few other things I had no clue of. “I don’t know what most of these are or what they are used for,” I stammered a little nervously.

He pointed to the string of marbles and picked them up. Three golden marbles on a golden cord. “These are Ben Wa balls. They can be used during sex, or before sex, you can even wear them all day to strengthen your vaginal muscles. You can also insert them in your ass, and when you come, I can pull them out of you and it will strengthen your orgasm.” He looked at me, the question unasked.

“OK, I would like to try it,” I stated nervously. That was going to be a lot of stuff in me, all at the same time, but I was willing to try it for him. He put the beads on the bed, and took the jar of Vaseline out too, before closing the lid.

He kissed me again slowly, and seductively, and then asked me to take my panties off as he sat in the chair beside the bed. I took them off slowly and stood before him. He picked up the Ben Wa balls and warmed them in his hands and then put them in his mouth. He opened the jar of Vaseline and inserted his pinkie into it, and then indicated I should turn around. He patted my ass and stroked my ass and gave one cheek a small slap. He took the Ben Wa balls from his mouth. “Monica, bend over and touch your toes. I am going to insert my pinkie into your lovely ass, and then the Ben Wa balls.” I bent over. He inserted his pinkie and it slipped right in because of the Vaseline, he stroked me like that a couple of times, and then I felt him push one, then two of the Ben Wa balls into my rectum. They were warm, and hard, a bit uncomfortable, but not much, one other dangled between my legs. I could see it hanging there in that position. I could also see Victor smiling at me through my legs. “Hi, there,” he teased.

“Hi yourself, handsome,” I teased in return.

His smile and joking made me not so nervous, and I smiled back. “Monica, walk around a bit, and tell me how that feels.”

I straightened and walked back and forth across the room passing right in front of him a couple of times. They felt strange, but the longer they were there, maybe from the sway of my hips, or the fact that they kept moving around, it felt quite pleasant if a little foreign. “They are okay,” I nodded. “Probably would feel better in my vagina, though.”

He laughed and agreed. “If you were just wearing them, for that, you’re right they would. You would feel anticipation all the time while wearing them, and horny as hell, and frustrated if you couldn’t get the job finished. Delaying gratification can be quite enjoyable, too, Monica, especially when it is finally relieved. But that is not what we are going to use them for tonight.” He laughed as I continued to walk purposefully gyrating my rear, swaying a great deal more than normal to experiment with them. When I got near him again, he stopped me for a kiss, and squeezed my ass cheeks. “Try to clench and release the balls, Monica.” I did, and that felt better, the balls in my ass were helping to make my vagina walls clench even harder.

M.J. Nightingale's Books