Fire In His Eyes (Secrets & Seduction #1)(31)

We did five miles, and he teased me like crazy, called me slow and ran circles around me, but it was fun. We had quick showers, put on our bathing suits under our clothes, and then we went to a Denny’s and had a big breakfast. When we left, we were full but both excited to spend the day at the beach.

We went to Lauderdale-by-the—Sea, one of the smaller beaches in Ft. Lauderdale, Victor told me. It was small, and not too crowded for early May, as spring break season was over, so it was mostly locals there with just a few tourists around. I liked it, we did not have far to walk from the parking lot to the beach which was a cute hamlet maybe a half mile long with little shops and an adorable Ice Cream Shop, the actual name, that had a long line out front. We found a nice spot near the water and put out our blanket and had fun taking turns putting sun tan lotion on each other, but not too much fun, it was a family beach, after all. Victor took out two sweet teas out of the cooler and handed one to me, which I opened and took a long refreshing sip. It was hot out, nearly eighty-five degrees, I guessed, but a small breeze kept us cool. We decided to soak up the sun for a bit, ten minutes on each side and then get in the water. We lay side by side on our stomachs first, giving each other small pecks, and holding hands, and then lay on our backs for a while.

When it was time to go into the water, Victor put on his Devil Rays baseball cap, so he wouldn’t burn his scalp. He looked so handsome, tan and glistening. He was so carefree and relaxed. I liked it when he was like this. I wished that I could see him like this all the time. He had an amazing body, lean and toned, muscles rippling in the Florida sun. We walked hand in hand into the water. The water was gorgeous, clear, and warm but not overly so. We went waist deep, then Victor squatted in the water pulling me to him as my legs instinctively wrapped around him. He supported me with one hand around my waist, and another under my rear cupping and caressing me under the water. He kissed me and I kissed him back, nothing erotic, just slow lazy kissing, truly enjoying each other. It was like time stood still that day for us in the Florida sun. I loved the normalcy of that day, the feeling of not being rushed because it usually seemed like we had only stolen moments together. I would cherish this day, forever.

We watched people snorkeling in the distance. The beach apparently had three tiers of natural coral reef within walking distance of the shoreline. Neither of us had brought snorkeling gear, so we watched and held each other, but it was okay, we enjoyed each other and enjoyed watching, and hearing the younger kids come up for air oohing and aahing about the things they saw, this fish, that part of the reef, etc. After an hour so, we went back to our blanket on the beach and dried off, It was nearing late afternoon, and we decided to stroll the length of the beach and then go have some ice cream. Victor picked up a sea shell near the end of the walk, and presented it to me. It was smooth, and shiny, blacks with purple and blue swirls, an abalone shell that reminded me of his eyes. “A keepsake, Madame,” he offered.

I took it from him, and closed my fingers over the shell feeling its warmth. “I’ll cherish it forever,” I teased at his gallant offer. But inside I wasn’t teasing, and I would cherish it forever. I would put it in the top drawer of my dresser and keep it with the note he had given me. It would remind me of today as long as I lived.

At the ice cream shop, I got a chocolate ice cream cone, and he got a strawberry double scoop. He planted the tip of his cone on my nose and licked it off, when I tried to do the same, he ran away from me. I laughed chasing him for a while, and then gave up and promised not to. We found a vacant bench, sat down to enjoy the ice cream, and held hands as we watched the surf, and people. “Hey,” he interrupted my thoughts, “I forgot to tell you how amazing you look in that pink bikini, you almost look as tasty in it as my ice cream,” he teased and popped the last bite into his mouth.

“Ooo, you,” I laughed. “I should have smashed your face with my cone.”

“Race you to the blanket,” he called. He took off, I after him. He beat me, of course, but I wasn’t too far behind him. We collapsed on the blanket and turned onto our side and talked about everything and anything frivolous from our childhood.

We took one more quick dip in the ocean, dried off and began to pack up as the sun was just about to set; we were both surprised to find it was nearly eight o’clock. The day had flown by.

The ride to the hotel was done quietly and quickly. We had agreed to have quick showers, mine would be a little longer, I told him, as I needed to do some grooming. Then we would go out and have a nice dinner and then back to the hotel for the fun he had promised me.

By, nine thirty we were just being seated at the Pelican Landing, a casual dining restaurant at the end of Pier 66. We sat outside, and had a great view of the Intracoastal Waterway, and boats coming in and out, yachts too. Victor hoped someday to have his own boat as he loved to sail.

The lighting in the restaurant was subdued, yet bright enough we could easily see one another. We both ordered the seafood special with the vegetable of the day, and Victor also had them bring out oysters because they were purported to have aphrodisiacal qualities. Although I had never tried them before, I found that I quite enjoyed them as the little slippery suckers slid down my throat. They were good with just a squirt of lemon juice. We had one cocktail after dinner, enjoyed each other’s company and the spectacular view. By eleven thirty, the check was paid and we were in the car, headed back to the hotel where a whole new dimension on our sex lives was about to be unleashed.

M.J. Nightingale's Books