Fire In His Eyes (Secrets & Seduction #1)(27)

I got out of the car, and went to the back of the SUV, eyeballing his luggage, especially the trunk, as he looked at my small case, and beach bag. He laughed. “Cooler is for the beach, as are the towels and blanket, and the trunk is a surprise, no peeking,” he stated firmly as he placed his items and rearranged things so that everything would fit around the trunk and still give him optimal viewing. He held his hand out for my keys, and when I dropped them into his hand, he pulled me in for a kiss. It was sweet, and tender, he held me close around the waist with the hand he held the keys with, and stroked my hair and cheek with the other. When the kiss ended, he hugged me close and whispered into my ear, “I’m going to let you into my world this weekend. Trust me, okay.”

I pulled back, confused, and looked at him I am sure, with a puzzled expression on my face. This was what I had wanted. He just looked back at me. His blue eyes strangely were pleading with me, but he did not say anything. I nodded, and then stepped up to hug him again, giving him my answer that way. He held me there for a full minute. I felt safe. I did trust him, didn’t I?

“We are about half way there,” Victor announced two hours into the drive. “Do you need a bathroom break or anything?” he asked making swirling motions with his thumb on my knee. I loved how he always had to touch me.

“Actually, yes. I could use a short break to stretch my legs.” He pulled over into a Seven Eleven convenience store. “We might as well gas up, Victor, while we are here. I will pay for the gas inside, forty okay.”

“I’ll pay this weekend, Monica,” he stated firmly.

“Victor, I don’t mind, really,” I said. I knew money was an issue for him. It was one of the reasons he had left the military and the job he loved. I did not know where his money issues stemmed from, because he was so close-mouthed about his past. He wore nice clothes, and had a nice car, but other than that he was always very frugal with his money. I didn’t want this weekend to be a burden on him. I made a good salary as a teacher, especially since I was single, and had no debts from college due to the scholarships I had received. “You can spoil me when we get to where ever we are going. I pay for the gas and one meal, okay?”

He laughed. “Deal,” he said and the twinkle was back in his eye. He looked somewhat thankful as well.

I went into the store and pre-paid forty dollars for the gas and then went to use the rest room; I also bought two bottles of water and a couple of protein energy bars. It was a long drive and I hadn’t eaten dinner in my rush to pack after work and get ready. Victor must have finished pumping the gas already because he was parked up front now waiting for me. I got back into the SUV and handed him a bottle of water and offered him one of the protein bars. “Thanks,” he said taking the water but turning down the bar, and then he leaned over stealing a quick kiss.

We began the ride continuing south. “So, now that we are half way there, think you could tell me where we are going?” I pleaded turning in my seat to better view him. The man was gorgeous. “The suspense is killing me.”

His expression turned foreboding. “Yeah, umm, Ft Lauderdale.”

“Cool, I have never been there,” I replied a little confused. “Why so grim?”

“But,” he interrupted my thoughts. “It’s what we are going to do when we are there that has me worried.” He watched me from the corner of his eyes assessing my reaction.

“Why? What are we going to do?” I was suddenly nervous.

“Okay, I have been trying to think about how to tell you some things about me. I have been keeping you at a distance for many reasons, but I want you to trust me.” Butterflies formed in my stomach. “First off, I want you to know you are the most beautiful woman I have ever dated. I’ve told you many times how attracted I am to you, and I am. I find you so god dammed stunning and sexy, I think and dream about you every night, well, in my dreams you have bigger tits,” he laughed nervously. I was thrilled at his words. He was so earnest saying them. He looked at me again to gauge my reaction so far. His comments made me feel better. “But, I have always been a man with a great sexual appetite, I like visuals. I love to look at beautiful women, all kinds. It turns me on so much. I had a porn addiction for a while, I guess, but got it under control.” He looked at me again watching and waiting.

“Okay,” I responded. “So far so good. You have not scared me away yet,” I stated. I think I understood what he was talking about.

“You’re not upset? Jealous?” he asked, confused.

“No. I know you find me attractive. I can appreciate a good looking man. It doesn’t mean I would want to jump their bones. I could admire their bodies. I read romance novels and get excited reading them. If something is hot, it’s hot.”

“Yeah! You do get it! Cool!” He didn’t look so worried anymore. He continued. “So once in a while I like to go to clubs, to watch the different girls. You know a fun night out with the guys, sometimes alone if I am not seeing anyone. I’ve always wanted to bring someone, a girl with me,” he looked at me again.

“You want to go to a strip club with me?” I asked and I mulled it over.

“Yes, I do,” he told me honestly.

“Can I ask you one question first?” Something he has said earlier had stuck in my mind.


M.J. Nightingale's Books