Fire In His Eyes (Secrets & Seduction #1)(30)

I turned back to the girls to see what they were doing. The Latina was having an orgasm, and I could just make out her screams of pleasure through the glass. They switched places but the blond sat at the edge of the chaise as the smaller Latina began to eat the other girl out. I wasn’t a lesbian, but damn, it was such a turn on to see. The blonde’s legs moved restlessly on either side of the Latina’s head, when Victor groaned, and withdrew his fingers from me. “Monica, I need to be inside you now.” He began to fumble in his pocket to get a condom. I stopped his hand and shook my head. His look and smile of wonder told me all I needed to know. I was giving him my trust, all of it. He pulled me up onto him, and I straddled him with my knees on either side of him. Pulling my own panties to the side, I sank right onto him feeling every ridge. His sigh of pleasure told me he felt it, too, this closeness, this intensity. Because I was so wet all ready, and I began to ride. I arched my back so that my clit rubbed against his lower abdomen, and I rode hard and fast. He alternated between watching me and watching the girls over my shoulder, while I rode him, and slid against him. I was panting hard, and was so turned on, knowing that someone could peek in and see us, my * just slid up and down along him. It was so slippery as I rubbed my clit into him that his huge cock would come right out of me, but I would impale myself again and again feeling his hardness like I never had before. I continued to soar. I started screaming, and I must have been coming like mad. I felt juices squirting out of me, dripping down my legs. He came, too, and was bucking off the couch into me screaming my name, and yelling that I was perfect. It went on, and on, I think I had two orgasms in a row. I collapsed. I felt sweat dripping down my back from between my shoulder blades, and I hugged Victor, hard, until my breathing came back to normal, while he hugged me back. We held each other like that for five minutes panting, his cock still inside me. Neither one of us wanted this feeling to end. The lights dimmed briefly in the room and restored to normal, and then the lights went out in the room behind us. I looked up, and Victor, said, “That means we have five more minutes. I nodded, and put my head back on his shoulder for a moment while he stroked my hair, and called me Mi Cara, his heart.

We got up, and cleaned ourselves off and straightened out our clothing. It was nearly two, and Victor said we should head back to the hotel. Once back at the hotel, we took a quick perfunctory shower, together, with no sex, although we did soap each other up, but we were both exhausted. We crawled into bed, and I turned to him and reached to give him a kiss. He controlled the kiss and did not allow it to progress into anything, and pulled back. I could tell he had something on his mind. “Yes?” I questioned eye brow raised to lighten the mood.

“I want you to tell me what you thought about tonight, honestly?” he asked. “Do you think what we did was . . .,” he was searching for the right word, “bad?”

I didn’t hesitate for a second. “How can something that felt so amazing between two consenting adults be bad? I loved it, and I am glad you shared that with me.”

He smiled at me then and settled his head back on the pillow. “You didn’t make me use a condom. Thank you, Monica. That meant a lot to me.” He watched my expression. I knew there were tears in my eyes. I just smiled. He looked back at the ceiling. “I don’t go often, a couple of times a year. Like I said earlier, I come mostly by myself, and usually just touch myself, or have a lap dance in a friction room if I am not dating anyone. I like the variety, and the visuals, Monica. I love sex, all kinds of sex. I have an active imagination. I think about it all the time, I think about it with you, mostly.” He stopped short and then looked at me, and then continued. “I don’t cheat, Monica. I don’t think of it as cheating. Do you?”

“If you brought another girl, or hired a girl and did what we did in the champagne room, I would consider it cheating, Victor. But watching and pleasuring yourself, no, I don’t think that is cheating not at all.” I reached my hand out to him, and he took it and placed it on his heart.

“Really?” he asked as he pulled me closer with the arm that was under me.

“Really, Victor. To masturbate is normal, it’s a healthy normal activity, despite what some may say, and to see beautiful willing people, porn even to help you find your release, well I don’t think there is anything the matter with it at all.” He watched all the while as I explained my feelings on the matter looking incredulous that I should feel this way, then laid my head onto his chest and kissed me on the top of my head. “Sleep, precious. Tomorrow we will have a fun leisurely relaxing day, and then tomorrow night I have a few more surprises for you that I hope you will like, too.” Toys, the silver trunk, I thought and smiled as I fell asleep in his arms. I’ll try anything once, twice if I liked it, I thought as I drifted off to sleep in Victor’s arms.

We woke up late the next morning, and slept until nearly nine thirty. I asked if he wanted to run with me, he laughed and said sure. He was surprised I asked. I was a bit OCD about working out. I didn’t miss a day, unless I was in the hospital. Actually, I was a lot OCD about a lot of things due to the rape and trauma, and guilt I had gone through. But, these were all things I had dealt with and now had control of. I didn’t share those thoughts with Victor. It was obvious he was dealing with his own demons and I didn’t want to confuse the matter with my own. I was pretty positive we had overcome one hurdle last night, and hoped tonight we could climb over another. I didn’t know a lot about sex toys, but I read Fifty Shades of Grey, and wasn’t a prude or anything. It was also obvious he had issues with guilt, and I knew how hard those were to overcome. You had to do it in your own time, but you also had to have supportive people around you, to guide you and make you see that you are not the problem. You are not to blame. Counseling and my sister had helped me through it. I was hoping I could help him if he wanted it. By showing him I wasn’t appalled at his lifestyle, well, it had been a huge step. I had the suspicion that someone had found out about his likes and criticized him for it, and it had scarred him deeply.

M.J. Nightingale's Books