Fire In His Eyes (Secrets & Seduction #1)(28)

Not sure if I should ask, but unable to stop myself the question came out. “Have you ever brought another girl to one of these clubs?”

He looked at me again. “One girl, but she didn’t much care for it, and I am not ready to talk about her just yet with you, okay?” I nodded. Just yet? Good sign. After a moment he continued, “So, as I was saying, I like the visual stimulation of porn. I like to see girls in lingerie, and naked, touching themselves. I love to see YOU in lingerie and naked, touching yourself for me, but I wanted to be honest with you about who I am.” He paused and watched me for my reaction. I felt like this was some kind of test. “So, do you want to try this, go to one of these places with me?”

“Yeah, sure!” I really didn’t see any problem with what he was talking about. I really believed this was something we could enjoy together.

“Really?” he was excited.

“Really, let’s do it,” I replied.

He looked happy. “Have you ever heard of the Dollhouse?”

I squealed. “You mean from the Motley Crue song Girls Girls Girls?”

“Yes!” And, then, “Hey, I didn’t think you remembered bands and names?” He was laughing at my reaction, and his hand stroked my leg.

“Motley Crue, Victor. Puh-lease! I love your close shaved head, very sexy. But, my god, in my pre-adolescent years I was always about the hair bands. Those guys were hot!” I broke out into song singing the first stanza that discussed the club called the Dollhouse.

“Okay, stop singing please,” he winced in mock pain and then asked still laughing, “and should I be jealous?”

“Not, if you are willing to wear lycra pants, no shirt, and a wig,” I teased.

“Well, how about just naked, and maybe the wig. But I refuse to wear lycra,” he laughed. “I know that song too, but my favorite words come from the next part of the song. He sang a few bars, about being a really good boy, but wanting girls to dance for him. All the while, he glanced at me sideways raising and lowering his eyebrows suggestively.

“I’ve danced for you,” I murmured huskily.

“I remember, baby. It is a night I will never forget. The best.” His smiled at me then, and it spoke volumes. It was more than words could say, and told me he had feelings for me. I smiled back, and he leaned in for a soft kiss.

I reclined back in my seat and I sighed, and then casually said, “And, I’ve always wanted to try toys. But now that I know you like the dancing, I can do that for you more often.” I laughed.

“What?” He sounded shocked, looked at me quizzically and then his hands hit the steering wheel and this time his smile lit up the car. “Well, then I’ve got a surprise for you in the trunk.”

“Really?” The butterflies were back. But I was curious. “You have toys, in that trunk?”

Victor nodded mischievously. “Would you be willing to try some things with me? Some toys?” he questioned. His expression, his eyes, the fire there, told me what my answer would be.

Looking him dead in the eye I responded, “I would like to try everything with you.”

His hand went from my knee to grasp my hand, and he brought it to his lips and kissed the back of my hand. It was so gallant, so Victorian, and so inappropriate after a discussion of toys. But, it was exactly what I wanted. It was romantic. He relaxed into his seat, and the rest of the drive to Ft. Lauderdale flew by.

We got to our hotel a little after ten and freshened up a bit before heading out to the Dollhouse. Victor surprised me with a sky gold shimmery cocktail dress. It was a simple design, and revealed a lot of leg and hugged all my contours. When I put it on for him and twirled his eyes burst into flame. He wore a tight black t-shirt and a pair of tan cargo shorts. “It’s not a fancy place,” he informed me, “but the girls do dress up a bit.”

The club was actually in Sunny Isles Beach, just twenty minutes from Ft. Lauderdale and we arrived just a bit after eleven. It was also a bit more than just a strip club as I soon found out. When we got there, the bouncer at the door smiled at me appreciatively, took the cover charge from Victor and let us in. Once inside, it looked like a typical bar with the low lighting in various neons, except there were groups of tables arranged around ten or so small stages, with girls dancing on each of them. The waitresses wore midriff tank tops with the Dollhouse insignia revealing their flat bellies, short black leather miniskirts, and heels. Some wore fish net stockings but not all. Victor gave me a quick tour of the place, showing me and letting me peer into the side rooms when it was allowed. There were a couple of friction rooms on one side of the main area. He explained this is where guys could go and get a lap dance, and pay to have women touch you through the clothing, and you could pay extra to touch the girls through their clothing. Most places didn’t allow it, but this place did if the price was right. On the other side of the club were champagne rooms, and VIP rooms. In a champagne room, a couple could have privacy, and watch girls through specially treated glass. You could bring your own girl in to a champagne room, or you could hire one of the dancers. The VIP rooms were for special groups, swingers, or people who wanted privacy because they were into some kind of fetish in that they needed the extra confidentiality. Victor wasn’t into that, he told me, and I was glad for that. I didn’t think I would feel comfortable sharing him with another girl. He asked me if I would go into one of the champagne rooms with him later. I agreed to go, and was excited that we wouldn’t have to wait until the hotel later to touch.

M.J. Nightingale's Books