Fire In His Eyes (Secrets & Seduction #1)(33)

“Yeah, that’s nice.” I nodded and smiled at Victor.

“I love your smile, Monica.” His smile was sweet when he pulled me to his chest. He kisses me on the nose, and then he really kissed me. His hands caressed my back, and made their way down to my ass cheeks gripping them, and then began to come back up, but with his hands, he very sneakily pulled the hem of my negligee up and over my head. “I really like this one, Monica. Where it again for me,” he whispered as kisses rained over my neck and throat.

“Ok,” I stammered as his kisses had already worked their magic on my body.

When the kiss ended, he had further directions for me. “Go ahead and lie down on the bed, face up, head on the pillow so you can watch what I am doing.” He followed right behind me and brought the clips with him. He crawled on top of me and lavished my nipples with his tongue. When they were both rock pebble hard, he stopped, knelt between my legs and put on the clamps. “I can tighten these, make them tighter,” he explained. “Using these,” he indicated the tiny little nobs under the decorative adornment.

“Yeah, go ahead, make them a little tighter.” I was panting a little.

He just nodded and laughed. “I’ll tighten them slowly; let me know before it gets to be too much.”

I nodded, and watched as he turned the little screws. When the pain started to be uncomfortable, I asked him to stop. He did. “I can loosen it a bit,” he offered. When I said that it was still okay, he told me he was going to tug on the chain that connected the two clamps a little and wanted me to tell him how it felt. I nodded. He tugged the chain and both pleasure and pain coursed through me like bolts of electricity from my nipples to my *. I squirmed and felt the Ben Wa balls. It was like torture, but exquisitely so. “Good?” he asked and I nodded again unable to form words. He went off his knees, sat between my legs and placed his thighs over mine, and spread my legs further. He then picked up the vibrator and turned it on. I was already wet, when he inserted just the tip and withdrew it, and then did the action again, going deeper each time until finally the attachment reached my clitoris and I went crazy. His legs held mine down, and I couldn’t squirm and buck as much as I would have liked to, it was so f*cking hot, my mind was a jumble and my * was on fire. He released his massively swollen penis, and stroked himself while he watched me.

“I am going to cum,” I screamed.

“Go ahead,” he panted and tugged on the chain of the nipple clamps with one hand as he stroked himself. The combination of the pleasure and the pain was exquisite. I came, and squirmed, and came some more. It didn’t stop. I thrashed and practically kicked him off of me. He left the vibrator on my clit, and let go of the chain, and slowly pulled the Ben Wa balls out, one, then two. I kept cumming and screaming. My eyes rolled to the back of my head. It was just so intense. I felt like I was going mad and began to cry and squirm. He continued to stroke himself until he too, came, and spewed semen all over my *, and legs and abdomen. He quickly removed the vibrator, and asked if I was okay. I was unable to stop crying.

“Yes,” I cried, “It was just so much sensation. Overwhelming,” I panted and my crying began to lessen. He lay beside me and stroked my arms, and pulled me close until I regained some control.

“You didn’t like it?” he asked. He looked worried.

“No, no, that’s not it,” I stated. “I just don’t think I could do that every night, or I might go crazy.” I knew I wasn’t explaining it right, I just didn’t have the words right now, couldn’t form the thoughts.

“But once in a while?” he asked hopefully. His hands still continues to caress me, soothe me.

“Most definitely!” I leaned up and kissed him on the lips, then collapsed back onto the bed.

He held me for a few minutes like that, and then got up, to use the restroom. He came out with a washcloth and cleaned me up, and gave me one of his shirts to wear. I slipped it on and inhaled it. I loved it when he let me wear his shirts. I loved to breathe in his scent all night. It comforted me. He cleaned up the toys we had used and then came to bed spooning me in the position he liked best. “Thank you, Monica. You don’t know how much it meant to me for you to do this, baby,” his words said in a whisper tickled the hair along my nape, and he pressed a kiss there.

I wanted to tell him, I loved him in that moment, but instead I just said, “You’re welcome.” And, I fell asleep in his arms.

Sunday was another late morning. We ran together again along another one of Ft. Lauderdale’s beaches, had a quick breakfast at a diner, showered back in the hotel and left for home. The ride was quiet, but pleasantly so. Victor made us chef salads at his apartment for dinner and then walked me to my car. We kissed, and held each other for a long while outside my car before he spoke.

“Thank you for a beautiful weekend, Monica. You are really so special.” The look in his eyes was one of wonder and disbelief, but then turned to regret. “I wish things were different in my life. I feel closer to you than ever, but I still can’t make you promises, promises you deserve.” He pressed my head to his chest, and held me so that I could not see his eyes, eyes that could tell me more than those painful words, but he wouldn’t let go.

Those words crushed me after the weekend we just had. But instead of saying anything, I muttered into his neck, “Thursday, then?”

M.J. Nightingale's Books