Fire In His Eyes (Secrets & Seduction #1)(37)

“Sure,” I said lamely. I didn’t know what else to say.

She looked at me quizzically, “And you’re in love with him?”

I nodded and took a drink of my beer.

“Don’t tell him that. He already suspects it. But don’t say the words. Not yet.” She patted my hand. “He really does have family obligations, Monica. He is all about his family. It’s an Italian thing. He takes his responsibilities very seriously. He isn’t lying about that. He won’t tell you about his family because it’s pretty f*cked up right now. And, don’t ask him about it because he will know I’ve talked with you, but you are good for him, really good.”

Again, I nodded, and told her I wouldn’t say anything.

“When he does tell you in his own time, listen to him, Monica, please, and hear him out. He hasn’t said anything to me, but I can tell he wishes he could spend more time with you. He talks about you all the time.” Her last comments ended on a sigh. “I really hope he gives you a chance,” and with that she left to go to the ladies room. I hoped he would, too. From, Kat’s lips to God’s ears, I prayed. Whatever it was that was going on in his family, Kat felt I should listen to him and hear it all. I vowed right then to myself that I would. Whatever it was.

Kat returned just as the game of pool was finishing up, and the guys joined us at the table. They joked about how Michael had cheated. To deflect, Michael reminded everyone that Victor was supposed to sing to me. He laughed and shook his head. A slow song came on, and he took my hand. “I’ll sing to her, but not the rest of you fools. I’ll never hear the end of it.” I followed him onto the floor. The song was She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5. I loved this band, and this song.

Victor took me in his arms, and we swayed, and danced in time to the music. And he sang the song to me whispering the words in my ear, words I wished were meant for me. “I drove for miles and miles/ And wound up at your door/ I've had you so many times/ But somehow I want more” My heart hurt that the words were written by Adam Levine and James Valentine for someone else. He continued; “I don't mind spending everyday/ Out on your corner in the pourin' rain/ Look for the girl with the broken smile/ Ask her if she wants to stay awhile/ And she will be loved, and she will be loved”. I hugged him closer to me. He hugged me back. “Tap on my window, knock on my door/ I want to make you feel beautiful/ I know, I tend to get so insecure/ It doesn't matter anymore/ It's not always rainbows and butterflies” He couldn’t sing anymore after that. I could hear it in his voice. The words of this beautiful song had impacted him as much as me. We finished the dance, and he kissed my ear, my cheek. There were tears in my eyes. He wiped them away. He led me back to the table, and his friends back slapped him. “I was so horrible,” he stated, “that it made her cry.” They all laughed harder and then I was laughing too. Kat just smiled, knowingly.

It was midnight, and the guys wanted to go to a different bar, but I had to work the next day and get up at five thirty to be at work for eight with the hour drive, going for a short run, and getting ready for work. I was glad school was over for the summer in just two short weeks, a week and half really. June could not be here soon enough for me. Victor gave our apologies, and Kat dropped us off at the apartment before going back to join the others. I didn’t know how they did these late nights and worked the nest day.

Once in the apartment, we went straight to Victor’s room. His trunk was on the bed. He watched my reaction when I saw it. I laughed.

“You really don’t think I’m a pervert?” he shook his head in wonder and opened the lid.

“If you are one, then so am I,” I laughed. He hugged me, and took out a vibrator and closed the lid.

“Just a vibrator?” I questioned teasingly.

“Yes, just a vibrator, for tonight. And a little role playing, okay?” He pinched me on the ass.

“Ouch, that hurts,” I said rubbing my butt, “But okay.”

“You are a naughty girl, Monica. I am going to have to punish you,” he teased. I ran from him around the bed, and he caught me quickly. We fell on the bed because he made us fall, and then he was sitting up with me over his legs. “I have to spank you,” he said lifting my dress.

“What?” I began to squirm on his lap. “Why?”

“Because no woman should have as beautiful an ass as you do. It’s not fair to all of mankind,” he laughed huskily as he pulled my panties down. He didn’t hit me, at least not right away. He patted his hand on each cheek, and caressed them. I was getting really turned on. Then, wham!

“Ouch! Fuck! Vic!” I yelped. “That hurt.”

He was caressing the cheek he had just slapped. “Nice girls shouldn’t use bad words, Monica.” Wham, he slapped the other cheek and immediately began to caress it.

I yelped again, but didn’t curse this time. I was getting into it; the pleasure pain combo was heady. I was getting wet.

“Do you like it, Monica?” he asked. From his voice, and the erection pressing into my rib cage, I knew he did.

“Yes,” I whispered.


“Ouch!” He was caressing me again.

“I didn’t hear you,” he said louder.

“Yes,” I was panting and squirming.

M.J. Nightingale's Books