Fire In His Eyes (Secrets & Seduction #1)(22)

“I do really like him, and the sex is great. Better than great. Mind blowing. I have been having a lot of fun,” I complained. She was worrying her bottom lip, and I already really liked Victor. I wanted her support here, I wanted her to see the silver lining, see hope. She wasn’t giving me any of those things.

“Well,” she drawled out, “Fun is good.” She smiled wickedly wicked. “But don’t lose your heart to him if he won’t come clean with you. Do you think you can handle that, honey?” she reached over to pat my hand.

“I won’t, and I can,” I vowed avoiding her searching gaze.

“Good, we’re on the same page here, then?” she enquired with one arched eyebrow looking at me from her porcelain face.

I nodded.

“Well, it sounds like he’s another Dan, but with a lot more sex appeal AND he seems knowledgeable. He will teach you things. That is for sure.” She waggled both eyebrows suggestively. “Enjoy it. Go with the flow. Ride the wave, if you know what I mean, and if you don’t, I meant ride his cock.” She was trying to lighten the mood again, and I sorely appreciated it.

“Way to state the obvious, Ana!” I laughed. “I’ll do that, though. The sex is really amazing,” I reiterated.

“It sure as hell sounds like it. Damn, I wish I had taken him home with me,” she teased and took a sip of her sweet tea. I chuckled and murmured hands off he’s mine. She laughed, but then got serious again and repeated her warnings one more time. “Mon, this guy has got serious commitment issues. He’s hiding something from you, and if you pressure him for answers he’s going to bolt. I advise you to enjoy it, but keep looking, chicka! Don’t set your cap for the first guy that rocks your world.” Did I mention my sister was a psychologist? She was always full of advice, whether it was asked for or not.

“Yes, Ana.” I grumbled. I knew she was right. Victor was hiding something, but I didn’t want to know what it was because it might make the distance between us grow even more. I got up to clear the table. It was nearly eight and I had to get ready for Victor. Butterflies appeared suddenly in my stomach. I wanted tonight to be perfect.

Ana helped me with the dishes while we chatted a bit more, and then she kissed me on the cheek and left. She always made me feel better, and I felt a bit more confidence surge through me because of what I planned to do tonight. Victor had seduced me wholly, but tonight I was going to seduce him. Because of Ana’s words, and my plan, I shook myself off and squashed down my self-imposed funk. With a much improved attitude, I began to get ready for Victor.

After a quick shower and shave, I straightened my naturally curly long brown hair and applied just a bit of mascara and lip gloss, and lastly spritzed on some vanilla bean body spray. Wrapped in only a fluffy towel, I made my way to my bedroom to make my final decisions on what to wear, and selected a matching set of red satin bra and panties with a bit of black lace. It was sexy as hell. Pathetically, my sister Ana had bought most of these bits for me introducing me to the sense of power these garments instilled, to make me feel better about myself a few years ago. The week of my birthday last year, she showed up every day with a new something for me. I wore them all the time now under my clothes, and holy hell she was right, crap on her, they did always make me feel better. To complete my ensemble, I put on a short satin black robe, and left it open. Perfect. Seductress. I read books. I could and would be in charge tonight. Think about sex and pleasing Victor, I reminded myself, and nothing else. Feel your inner goddess, as my sister would say. Ha!

The doorbell, rang. He was here. I quickly left the bedroom and pressed play on the CD player. Three Doors Down Here Without You softly played out of the two speakers from on top of my entertainment center. I opened the door, and Victor stood there gaping at me. Score. Point mine. He looked sexy and startled. He wore grey cargos and a blue button dress shirt accentuating his eyes. The shirt was open wide at the collar revealing his amazing chest. His ice blue eyes ravaged by body from top to bottom, and back again. He loved what he saw. And I was glorified by his reaction; my soul needed it very much. I took his hand, and turned around leading him straight to my bedroom the music following us as the lead singer’s words spoke the things I could never say to Victor.

“I'm here without you, baby But you're still on my lonely mind I think about you baby

And I dream about you all the time.”

I led him to the foot of my bed and pushed him down onto it; he landed with a thump but still in a sitting position. He lied down after kicking off his shoes, and watched with those mesmerizing ice cold eyes on fire, glittering for me. I stepped back when he reached out to me and then turned away from him towards the mirror on my dresser. I looked over my shoulder at him, as Brad Arnold’s words continued to croon, “I'm here without you baby But you're still with me in my dreams And tonight it's only you and me, yeah”

I slowly stripped and danced for him dropping my robe inch by inch ever so slowly down my back revealing the red satin and lace bra. I swayed in time to the music and then lowered the robe to reveal the tattoo he had given me in black ink, with the words, Hot! Hot! Hot! above the tribal band just above my fiery red panties with the black lace. His eyes shot to my face, they were on fire, burning for me. As much he tried to push me away, he wanted me. This I knew. I had surprised him by putting the tattoo there. I had really stunned him. He made to move and get up, but I held up one finger and waved it back and forth, the universal sign for wait, and then I let the robe fall and flutter all the way to the floor. I continued to dance for him, swaying my hips erotically, showing him with my hands where I wanted him to touch me. The words to the song caressed my soul, as I caressed my body for him.

M.J. Nightingale's Books