Fire In His Eyes (Secrets & Seduction #1)(20)

I laughed at his silly joke, and replied, “You’re a great teacher,” and hugged him a little closer. This weekend wasn’t all that I hoped it would be but at least he could please me and still wanted to be with me for now. He pulled me closer, held me and pulled the sheet up over us with his other hand. We cuddled like that and dozed until it was time to go to the party.

A few hours later, he was in the crystal clear pool swimming and I watched him from the lounger I had claimed to get a little sun. After our nap, we had cuddled and kissed for just a few minutes, had quick showers because of our earlier encounter, and then headed to Joe’s apartment to help set up for the barbecue. His friends were nice, really nice and easy to talk to. The single guys teased me about breaking their hearts and asked why I hadn’t set my eyes on them first at the Blue Martini, when Victor would just break my heart. They obviously knew something I didn’t, but I didn’t want to pry. Joe was especially nice, an older man in his fifties, months away from being retired, but still liked to party with the young guys, he said. When I asked if he was the Dad to the group, like Kat was the mom, he roared with laughter. “Hell no, little lady! I am the big older more experienced brother!” and he winked at me knowingly, making me blush.

We stayed outside until dusk and enjoyed the camaraderie, ate lobster, joked, drank a few beers, but it seemed all too soon when everyone began to chip in and start to clean up. We were back in his apartment by eight and we both knew I would have to leave shortly so I began to gather my things. Kat was in her room, putting away laundry as we said goodbyes in his bedroom. He helped me to put my things away into my overnight bag and I noticed the picture from earlier was gone, and then we walked out into the living room.

Victor called out to Kat. “I’m walking Monica to her car. Can you buzz me back up?”

“Sure,” she yelled and then popped her head out of her room. “Nice meeting you, Monica. Hope to see you again. It was nice seeing Vic smile.”

“It was nice meeting you too, Kat,” I said as Victor ushered me out the door.

Victor just shook his head. We made our way quietly to my car, him carrying my bag with one hand and holding my hand with the other. He put my belongings in the car, and then followed me to the driver’s side door. He leaned me up against the door and kissed me. It was the sweetest kiss he had given me so far. It made me feel a little better about this weekend and then he held me, and pleaded, “Please, don’t fall in love with me, Monica. I’ll give you what I can, but I am afraid it can’t be enough.” His words chilled me. Why was he afraid of hurting me? Why was he dooming this relationship from the start? It hurt. He sighed and I looked into his ice blue eyes. “I have something for you, Monica,” he added. “It’s a temporary tattoo, remember the girl from the restaurant?” I nodded and looked down to the palm of my hand to see the tribal band tattoo, with the words, Hot! Hot! Hot! above it. “Put it on, somewhere on your body, anywhere. That’s where I will f*ck you next. Go now. I’ll call you Tuesday.”

I got into the car, and couldn’t even speak to say goodbye because of the lump forming in my throat. This man ran hot, then cold the next minute. He was tender one second, then was warning me off. This man had secrets, he wasn’t willing to commit, yet he wanted my body and I wanted him. I was confused. He shut the door and stood there and watched me back out of the parking space, out of the lot, and onto Del Mabry Blvd. The ride home was a difficult one. What had I gotten myself into, I wondered?

Victor didn’t call on Monday. He didn’t call Tuesday, either. It made me feel horrible inside. I couldn’t even explain how I felt. My dream on Monday had been first pleasant then painful. I imagined he had met someone else, and that I had been nothing but a fleeting pastime. I thought about him all day, too and was so distracted at work. I wanted to call him badly and when he didn’t call again that night, I was so disappointed. He had reiterated how busy he was, and I didn’t want to appear needy, so I didn’t call. I waited pathetically for him to make the next move. As disappointed as I was by his revelations, I still hoped and prayed he would call. Late on Tuesday with no call coming in, apparently, I flicked off the television, and I got ready for bed then sadly climbed under the covers around eleven o’clock for another restless night. But, I had my cell phone next to me, just in case. It felt like I was just dozing off when the phone began to ring. It was Victor.

“Hello,” I said.

“Hey, Monica, it’s me, Victor,” he said loudly into his end of the phone. I could hear music in the background. He was obviously out with friends having a good time I thought, a bit resentfully. His words confirmed my thinking. “I’m out with some of the guys shooting pool, but I remembered I promised to call you.” The laughter and music began to fade and his voice began to return to normal.

“Hi Victor, I th-thought you forgot.” I squinted at the clock. It was just after midnight. “I was sleeping.”

I think he could hear the disappointment in my voice because he sighed and then said, “You sound mad. Are you mad, Monica?” His tone dropped a couple of decibels sounding concerned.

“No, I am not mad.” I wasn’t, just very disappointed. “I was sleeping so my voice may come off a little huskier,” I lied.

“Well, I am glad you didn’t wait up and you haven’t been waiting around for my calls. Remember what I said, I want to be friends with benefits, no complications, okay?” he said cautiously.

M.J. Nightingale's Books