Fire In His Eyes (Secrets & Seduction #1)(18)

“Yes, I’m, sure,” I whispered putting my head onto his chest inhaling his scent.

After a minute he pulled us apart, and gazed down into my eyes. My emotions were in turmoil; and I was never any good at hiding my feelings, and so probably seeing the confusion and uncertainty there, he stated. “You don’t ask a lot of questions, Monica.” Because I was afraid of the answers. “If you did ask, I want you to know I don’t have the answers right now. But, I promise, I will share my burden with you when I am ready, ok?”

“Okay,” my voice quavered. It was the tell-tale sound that I felt like crying. He kissed me again, long enough and tenderly enough to give me a little hope that this relationship or whatever it was going to be wasn’t doomed from the start.

We were back in his apartment by noon, and we found a note on the kitchen counter from Kat.

Over at Joe’s, helping prepare the food. See you at three.


He showed me the note and grinned at me maliciously. He explained that Joe was hosting this barbecue, had even flown in lobster from Maine this morning. Joe, as did many military people, rented a condo in this complex to be close to the base, but far enough away to be able to party without the ever watchful military police at MacDill Air Force Base being present. He also explained that the note meant we had the apartment for the next three hours to ourselves.

“Three hours, whatever shall we do?” he hinted.

“What do you have in mind?” I asked giving him a flirty smile.

He took my hand and led me to the bedroom, and set me down at the bottom edge of the bed. “Monica, I want you to do something for me. You trust me, don’t you? Will you do this for me?” He looked so boyish, so innocent in that moment, but my fears from earlier had not completely evaporated.

“What is it?” I asked nervously searching his eyes for answers. This day was just full of surprises. It wasn’t going as I had hoped in the least.

“I want to shave you?” He coughed and then looked down at my crotch.

“What?” I squeaked sharply. Not an attractive sound at all, but his request had really thrown me for a loop. It had been way out in left field, way out of the ball park.

He laughed and explained. “I love to eat *. Seriously, a lot of guys don’t like it, but I do. Weird, I guess. But the hair, sometimes, well it just distracts me from what I want to do. Okay?” He had a kid in the toy store look that was getting denied his heart’s desire for a moment as his lower lip jutted out into a pout.

I had always kept myself neat and trim down there. I swam a lot and didn’t want flyways in my bathing suits. How embarrassing? I must have turned fifty shades of red. I felt my face flame. And he was talking about shaving it all off! I had my doubts about him and about us, but the attraction I felt for this man was real; it made me willing to do anything he wanted. I who had not felt attraction to any man, who had hid away in her own home for nearly ten years, only going to and from school, to and from work, was now experiencing all kinds of strange, wonderful, erotic experiences. I was too afraid of saying no, too afraid that doing so would bring this, whatever it was, to a crashing and resounding end. With those thoughts whirling in my brain, I nodded my compliance and I haltingly said, “Yes. Okay.”

His smile lit up the room. “Okay, stay here. I’ll be right back.” He rushed into the bathroom and I heard cabinets open and close, I heard rattling and banging, and then he came out a few moments later with an armload of stuff which he dumped onto the bed. I laughed nervously at his obvious delight.

He placed a towel at the foot bed on the floor and then asked me to stand while he put another towel on the bottom of the bed on top of the covers. “I want you to take your pants and panties off and sit here, with your ass at the edge of the bed, Okay? Then you can lie down and just relax while I work.” With my eyes like saucers and my heart racing, I followed his directions as he watched me undress and sat at the edge of his bed.

I laughed at the mischief in his eyes. “This wasn’t exactly how I had hoped we would spend these three hours alone together.”

He laughed too. “You just wait, Monica. Be patient. You’re going to like, no love, how this is going to make you feel.” I lay there as he opened up his shaving kit and took out what looked like an electric razor and changed and cleaned the attachments, “You’ll have to buy one of these, Monica. I will do it the first time, but then the day before I come to see you I want you to make your * pretty for me. Will you do that for me?” Those eyebrows again, raising and lowering suggestively, oh, how they could turn me on. There was a bit of the devil in this man.

“Okay, Victor,” I murmured and nodded slowly as he began to descend between my legs until I could only see the top of his head. I felt so exposed, and not in a good way at that moment.

“I am going to trim it close using a number two attachment,” he explained. “It’s going to tickle, but don’t squeeze your legs together while I am working or may have to punish you,” he laughed mischievously into my crotch. I could feel his warm breath there; it sent a shiver through me and thoughts of the two nights ago on my sofa came unbidden to my mind.

I heard the buzzing sound seconds later. Before it even touched me though, he patted and stroked my *. “Thank-you for doing this for me, baby. You are going to enjoy it as much as I. I promise,” he assured and then I felt the vibrations come over my flesh as he trimmed my pubic hair with his number two attachment. It tickled, but not too badly, and so I was able to remain still. He made quick work of it, running the bristles of the comb over me again and again until the job was done. When he turned off the trimmer he purred, “Nice. It looks good, but it will look even better.” He then instructed me to go take a quick shower, and then use some of his shaving cream and the razor blade he handed me to remove the rest of the hair. “Don’t miss any,” he said with eyes twinkling, “and rinse well so there are no strays. I will clean up in here and wait for you.” Darn, he wasn’t going to shower with me I thought. The least he could do after what had transpired this morning was to finish the job properly.

M.J. Nightingale's Books