Dark Temptation (Dark Saints MC Book 2)(27)

“Shh. Let’s just lay here and be,” he said and was right.

My mind had been going a mile a minute for so long that I’d forgotten how to just be. If I ever knew.

Benz produced a thin blanket from somewhere and covered us. He seemed fine on the hard floor and made his body a place where I could lay down and rest.

I don’t know how many hours went by, but dawn had broken when I woke up again. I was curled up on the bed. Benz had moved me and I hadn’t stirred.

Where was Benz? I looked around. I had a small stab of panic. Had he left? Why had he left?

I looked around and saw his things. I would have heard his bike if he’d ridden off, for sure. Then the door opened.

He was there, white t-shirt, well-worn jeans, a bag of groceries in one hand, and two coffees in the other.

“Good morning,” I said and he set the bag down and came over to the bed with the coffee.

“I’ve never seen you in the morning. You look so beautiful.” I covered my face. I couldn’t imagine what I looked like at this point. “No, really. Careful, this is still hot.”

“Thank you.” I knew he was looking at me, almost studying me. I tried not to blush or shrink away.

The coffee tasted good and did the job of helping me shake the sleep off.

“I think that was the best sleep of my life.” It was true. It couldn’t have been more than a few hours, but it was deep, satisfying sleep.

“I didn’t want to wake you for my supply run.”

“Where the heck did you go?”

“There’s a front desk and a camping outfitters type place here. I’ve been here before. I paid for last night and one more night if we need it. Then I got a little bit of food for us. And a few things for you.”

“Wow, quite the shopper.”

“Here’s the thing. I have an agreement with the guy who runs the place. I take care of things for him now and then, and he doesn’t see me. You get it?”

“I guess?” I didn’t really.

“You can’t be seen. You gotta stay hidden until I can figure stuff out.”

“I have a million questions, like what will the police in– ”

“ –Yeah, let’s finish our coffee first. You get a shower and then we go to work.”


“Yeah, figuring out how to get us both out of this mess.”

“Okay, any change of clothes in there?” I pulled the bag forward.

“Take a look.”

There was a Texas t-shirt, a packet of underwear, and a pair of drawstring shorts.

“My wardrobe is set.” I couldn’t help but smile thinking what he must have looked like picking out the packet of women’s panties at the camp store.

“I figure you need stuff. Women need stuff. And you can wash what you’ve got while you wear this.” He was like a kid, hoping I would approve.

“You thought of everything.” I also saw a travel pack of toiletries and realized he actually had worried about what I might need.

“Bathroom’s yours. I’m going to make you food.”

I leaned forward and kissed him. He kissed me back and steadied my coffee hand at the same time. I noticed every protective gesture. I hadn’t before. I was so focused on getting dirt I’d missed it.

“Wow,” he said.

I got up, naked as I was born, and walked over to the bathroom carrying my little bag of supplies. He watched. I knew he appreciated every inch of me. I’d felt it last night and I felt it this morning.

This was something intense and fast. It absolutely couldn’t last.

It was going to come to a crashing halt. I had no idea how. Could it even last a day before his club intervened and stopped us both?

I let the water in the shower run over my body. It was cold. That was good.

Cold water, soap, coffee; I needed these things. And I needed to start thinking.

Benz had taken the risk and the lead for the last twenty-four hours. He had saved me from something awful.

But I needed to get back in the driver’s seat of my own life.

I didn’t want Benz to lose everything for me. And I wasn’t about to accept what some MC President decided about my life. If I had to run, I’d run. If I had to fight, I’d fight.

Benz may be a good man. Some of his brothers may be too. But Bear wanted me dead and I best not forget it.



Watching her sleep. That was what I could afford to do. Sleeping myself? No. That wasn’t going to happen until I figured out a way to keep her safe.

I’d gone to the outfitter and shopped as soon as it was open.

But I’d also called Kade.

“Benz, man, what a fucking mess.”

“I know.”

“Bear is calling for us to find you and that chick. Jen, right?”

“How is the club reacting?”

“So far the club doesn’t really know much.”

“No vote?”

“No vote, but right now, it’s shitty for you.”

“What’s he saying?”

“Bear is talking one-on-one with members. He says that Jen is a narc, a cop, and you’re basically pussy whipped. He’s laying the disaster at the docks on you.”

Jayne Blue's Books